CLARIN Knowledge Centre for Systems and Frameworks for Morphologically Rich Languages (SAFMORIL)

SAFMORIL brings together researchers and developers in the area of computational morphology and its application during language processing. The focus of SAFMORIL is actual, working systems and frameworks based on linguistic principles and providing linguistically motivated analyses and/or generation on the basis of linguistic categories. Such systems are relevant in particular for languages with rich morphologies, e.g. Nordic and Baltic languages (such as Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian, Latvian, Lithuanian as well as the Sámi languages) and more generally Fenno-Ugric languages, Inuit languages, Canadian First Nation languages and Babylonian languages.

We offer online courses for developing and teaching morphologies, tokenizers and spell-checkers, a repository for storing morphologies, and an environment for creating tokenizers and spell-checkers. SAFMORIL serves linguists and computational linguists developing and adapting morphologies as well as digital humanities scholars and computer scientists processing language data.

If you have any questions, contact us via the SAFMORIL Helpdesk (

Morphology Systems and Frameworks

  • Morphology-based annotation services
    • Sparv – online annotation tool for text in several languages
    • Open Morphology – word form analysis for several languages (some also with hyphenation, spelling, synonyms and translations)
  • Morphology processing and building services
    • Mylly – a tool for analyzing and visualizing data sets (including tools for compiling morphologies)
  • Morphology teaching services
  • Morphologies and software
    • GiallaLT environment – development environment for morphologies and morphology-based tools
    • HFST – compilation and runtime software (with some source morphologies)
  • Morphology in Language Research Literature


Getting started

Introduction to some of the services provided by the K Centre member institutions:

Documentation of the services:


Standards recommended:


Experts collaborating with the K Centre on morphologically complex languages:

  • Prof Antti Arppe (University of Alberta)
  • Prof Kimmo Koskenniemi (University of Helsinki)
  • Prof Inguna Skadina (University of Latvia)
  • Prof Trond Trosterud (University of Tromsø)
  • Dr Harald Hammarström (Uppsala University)
  • Dr Krister Lindén (University of Helsinki)
  • Dr Tommi Pirinen (Hamburg Zentrum for Sprachkorpora)
  • Dr Jouna Pyysalo (University of Helsinki)
  • Dr Jack Rueter (University of Helsinki)
  • Dr Miikka Silfverberg (University of Helsinki)
  • Dr Andrius Utka (Vytautas Magnus University)
  • MA Sjur Moshagen (University of Tromsø)
  • MA Aleksi Sahala (University of Helsinki)
  • MSc Erik Axelson (University of Helsinki)

Related Sites

Supported by CLARIN Centres

The K Centre operates as a distributed virtual centre supported by CLARIN member institutions such as:

If your institution wishes to join our effort to provide high-quality morphological processing tools, please get in touch.


FAQ will be compiled from questions and answers acquired via helpdesk / issue tracker.


The Knowledge Centre is coordinated by the University of Helsinki through its SAFMORIL helpdesk ( There will also be an issue tracker available for asking questions and reporting bugs, feature requests etc.

CLARIN Certificate of Recognition

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Aku Rouhe
Researcher of the Month: Aku Rouhe


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The Language Bank's technical support:
kielipankki (at)
tel. +358 9 4572001

Requests related to language resources:
fin-clarin (at)
tel. +358 29 4129317

More contact information