Newsletter of the Language Bank of Finland 2/2022


Researchers of the Month in 2022

  1. Jussi Ylikoski – Finno-Ugric languages, grammar, etymology
  2. Tuisku Vilenius – online discussions related to the Saami people
  3. Ari Huhta – language assessment, foreign language learning
  4. Terhi Ainiala – urban place names, digital discourses
  5. Mika Hämäläinen – computational creativity, language technology for endangered languages
  6. Jack Rueter – morpho-syntactic description of minority languages
  7. Sampsa Holopainen – history of the Uralic languages, etymological dictionary
  8. Filip Ginter – language technology, deep learning, NLP
  9. Mikko Laitinen – sosiolinguistics, language use in social networks
  10. Benjamin Schweitzer – special language of art music, corpus linguistics
  11. Marjatta Palander – Karelian language speech corpora
  12. Marja-Liisa Helasvuo – Finnish grammar, human interaction, resources for Finno-Ugric languages

All previous researchers of the month can be found in the archive.

Do you know researchers who use the Language Bank of Finland and who might be good candidates for Researcher of the Month? Would you be one of them? Inform us:

New corpora in 2022

Updated or extended corpora in 2022

Would you like to offer your own resource to be distributed via Kielipankki?

Submit the basic details about your own resource to the Language Bank of Finland:

The first set of data accumulated in the Donate Speech campaign is available for academic research use – paid licenses to be offered for companies

The first version of the complete dataset includes the speech samples that were donated during 16.6.2020-14.9.2021. The total duration of the recordings in this version is approximately 3200 hours, out of which approximately 1,600 hours have been manually transcribed.

Researchers may already apply for access to Puhelahjat data. Research use in academic organizations is free of charge. Read more about using the data for research

Companies and other non-academic organizations may acquire a paid license for using one of the Puhelahjat datasets. Some of the data packages intended for commercial use are still in preparation. For further details, organizations and companies interested in using the data may already contact us by email at Read more about commercial use of the data

The Donate Speech campaign is still on and you can still donate your speech in Finnish or in Swedish at When the campaign ends, all of the data will be made available via the Language Bank.

Are you using a resource that contains personal data, obtained via Kielipankki? Remember to publish a Privacy Notice

If using a resource obtained via Kielipankki that contains personal data (the license includes a ”+PRIV” tag), you are required to submit the title of your project and a public link to the Privacy Notice regarding the purpose for which you are using the resource. Submit the information via this e-form.

Write the Privacy Notice according to the instructions given by your home organization. It is a good idea to store the document in a place where you are able to update the information when needed.

See also the guidelines for processing corpora stored in the Language Bank of Finland that contain personal data.

New speech recognition service ready for test use – Tekstiks

A new automatic speech recognition service, Tekstiks, is now up and running for test users. The automated system can recognise spoken Estonian and Finnish and produce a transcript of the recording. The Tekstiks service is the result of a collaboration between the Tallinn University of Technology, the Language Bank of Finland and Aalto University. Read more about Tekstiks and try it out!

Kielipankki is now on Mastodon

Kielipankki – Language Bank of Finland has joined the open-source social network Mastodon. Welcome to follow us!

Workshop of the FIN-CLARIAH research infrastructure

FIN-CLARIAH, the national research infrastructure for Social Sciences and Humanities in Finland, received funding from the Academy of Finland for the years 2022-23. FIN-CLARIAH consists of two components, FIN-CLARIN and DARIAH-FI. The FIN-CLARIAH people gathered together in a workshop day held in Jyväskylä on 18th November. On the Language Bank website, you can find the presentation materials and a number of deliverables produced in the FIN-CLARIAH project.

CLARIN funding opportunities

Did you know that CLARIN offers grants for, e.g., researcher and teacher mobility, events and training activities? Check out the funding opportunities and current calls:

The Language Bank staff are on holiday during 23.12.2022-8.1.2023.

We wish you a relaxing holiday season!

Mietta Lennes
Projet Planning Officer


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Water flowing under the ice


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