Repackaging of the downloadable version of the Corpus of Finnish Sign Language: elicited narratives (CFinSL-elicit-dl)

The Corpus of Finnish Sign Language (CFinSL) has been available via the download service of the Language Bank of Finland after the former LAT platform was discontinued. The original downloadable packages turned out to be too large in order to be frequently downloaded and used during courses, for example. To alleviate the situation, the subcorpus of elicited narratives (CFinSL-elicit) was reorganized into smaller packages. Each package now includes the files of a given session, i.e., the video recordings and annotation files of a specific narration task performed by a specific signer.

For the time being, the download packages of the related conversation subcorpus (CFinSL-conv) were not modified. The access locations and content of both subcorpora remain the same.

More information about the currently available versions of the corpus can be found on the resource group page.

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