Giellatekno, the Research group for Saami language technology

Giellatekno combines cutting-edge linguistic and computational research into the analysis of Saami and other morphologically-rich languages, with the development of practical applications. It focusses on deep linguistic modeling and on highly efficient and robust computational analysis with a wide empirical coverage. These applications form the basis of the group’s support of the Saami communities with current language tools. The practical goal is to support the teaching, learning and use of the Saami languages and to make current language technology accessible.

The group also extends its activities to other under-resourced languages, particularly Circumpolar and Uralic languages. Analyses and tools are designed to make it easier for other minority language societies to develop the language technology constituting a prerequisite for a language to survive in modern society.

The web page of Giellatekno provides a range of online dictionaries, for Sami languages as well as for other small languages.

A selection of Giellatekno’s dictionaries can also be found via the Language Bank of Finland, see Online dictionaries from Neahttadigisánit


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Digital collections of Kotus

The website offers  a collection of links to all digitally and publicly available language resources of the Institute for the Languages of Finland.

Open the website


Examples of language resources available in the service:

Dictionary of Finnish dialects

Dictionary of Old Literary Finnish

Etymological Database of the Sami Languages

Etymological Reference Database

Frequencies of Early Modern Finnish Words

Frequencies of Old Literary Finnish Words

Frequency list of Written Finnish Word Forms

Headword List of the Karelian Dictionary

Modern Finnish Word List

Names of Countries in Seven Languages


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Virtual Language Observatory CLARIN

The Virtual Language Observatory (VLO) faceted browser was developed within CLARIN as a means to explore linguistic resources, services and tools available within CLARIN and related communities. Its aim is to provide an easy to use interface, allowing for a uniform search and discovery process for a large number of resources from a wide variety of domains and providers.

Open the website

Access the faceted search

User guidelines

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Digital collections from the National Library of Finland

With the help of this dowload service, offered by the National Library of Finland, it is possible to download the material of magazines and newspapers, small printed works, books, handwritten documents and notes, as long as they are free of copyrights. Newspapers are downloadable until the end of the year 1918, magazines and small printed works until the end of the year 1910. Other material is downloadable according to its specific copyright information and the time limit can vary between the different sorts of materials and works.

Open the website:

Note that a large proportion of the newspapers and magazines can also be used via the Korp service in Kielipankki, the Language Bank of Finland (see KLK).

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OPUS Helsinki

OPUS offers an interface for open source parallel corpora. It is a growing collection of translated texts from the web. In the OPUS project it is tried to convert and align free online data, to add linguistic annotation, and to provide the community with a publicly available parallel corpus. OPUS is based on open source products and the corpus is also delivered as an open content package. Several tools are used to compile the current collection. All pre-processing is done automatically. No manual corrections have been carried out.

Open the website

See Opus, Helsinki Korp Version


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Language Bank Rights Kielipankki

The Language Bank Rights service is used to search and manage access rights associated with language resources. Personal data are processed when managing research dataset access rights as well as when reporting on users conducting searches, owners of datasets and other similar parties.

The service processes personal data primarily to provide the service itself and to enable access for logged-in users to corpora whose access is restricted. Log data accumulated through service use are used to ensure its functioning, identify problems and collect statistics on service use. Personal data are also used to improve services. The grounds for the processing of personal data is the legitimate interest of the controller.

More information on using the Language Bank Rights service

How to get access to the language resources of the Language Bank of Finland

How to apply for access (in Finnish): Käyttöoikeuden hakeminen Kielipankin oikeudet -palvelussa

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Download service Kielipankki

Download is the download service of the Language Bank of Finland. It gives its users access to all language resources, which are available for download. Many of these corpora can be accessed without logging in, whereas others are only accessible to logged-in users. In some cases individual access rights are also required.

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META-SHARE was the Language Bank’s metadata repository. It contained information about each language resource’s type, content, extent, license etc. and offers search and filtering options.

In June 2024 META-SHARE has been replaced by COMEDI hosted by the CLARINO Bergen CLARIN Centre.

Documentation for META-SHARE is still available here:

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Aku Rouhe
Researcher of the Month: Aku Rouhe


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The Language Bank's technical support:
kielipankki (at)
tel. +358 9 4572001

Requests related to language resources:
fin-clarin (at)
tel. +358 29 4129317

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