Language Bank of Finland data protection statement:

User of the Language Bank Rights service

General description of the service and the purpose of processing personal data

The Language Bank Rights service is used to search and manage access rights associated with language resources. Personal data are processed when managing research dataset access rights as well as when reporting on users conducting searches, owners of datasets and other similar parties.

The service processes personal data primarily to provide the service itself and to enable access for logged-in users to corpora whose access is restricted. Log data accumulated through service use are used to ensure its functioning, identify problems and collect statistics on service use. Personal data are also used to improve services. The grounds for the processing of personal data is the legitimate interest of the controller.

Personal data processed

The home organisation always discloses the following user details when logging in to the service:

  • Identifier (eduPersonPrincipalName attribute)
  • Name (surname, commonName, displayName)
  • Home organisation details (schacHomeOrganization, schacHomeOrganizationType)
  • Role in the home organisation (eduPersonAffiliation)
  • Email

Data associated with access right applications are stored.
The decisions of the persons granting and managing access rights as well as their links (to the corpora and applications) are stored.

Recipients or recipient groups

Officials granting access rights

Data pertaining to the person applying for access rights are transmitted to the officials granting access rights related to the corpus for which access rights have been requested. They may be individuals or organisations.

Duration of the processing of personal data

Data related to access right applications are stored for as long as the relevant corpus is available in the Language Bank of Finland.

<< Language Bank of Finland data protection statement

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Aku Rouhe
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The Language Bank's technical support:
kielipankki (at)
tel. +358 9 4572001

Requests related to language resources:
fin-clarin (at)
tel. +358 29 4129317

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