Location: Logged in as:  


[DIR]acquis-ftb3/ -
[DIR]aku-egg/ -
[DIR]avoid/ -
[DIR]ccmh-src/ -
[DIR]cfinsl/ -
[DIR]coca/ -
[DIR]coha/ -
[DIR]coronavirus-ecorg/ -
[DIR]Digilib/ -  
[DIR]digitala/ -
[DIR]eduskunta/ -
Plenary Sessions of the Parliament of Finland
[DIR]Fenno-Ugrica/ -
[DIR]fi-parliament-asr/ -
[DIR]finchat/ -
Finnish conversational chat corpus
[DIR]finestbert/ -
[DIR]finka/ -
[DIR]finnish-tagtools/ -
Finnish Tagtools
[DIR]finntreebank/ -
[DIR]FinnWordNet/ -
[DIR]finsen/ -
[DIR]FNC1/ -
[DIR]fvcc_v1/ -
[DIR]giellagas-north/ -
[DIR]glowbe/ -
[DIR]hallituskausi/ -
Hallituskausi Translation Memories
[DIR]hc/ -
[DIR]helpuhe/ -
[DIR]hfst-morphologies/ -
HFST morphologies for various languages
[DIR]iijoki/ -
[DIR]italian-letters/ -
[DIR]kipo/ -
[DIR]klk/ -
Kansalliskirjaston lehtikokoelma
[DIR]la-murre/ -
[DIR]LAS2/ -
[DIR]lehdet90ff/ -
Finnish Magazines and Newspapers from the 1990s and 2000s
[DIR]lonnrot/ -
Elias Lönnrot's letters
[DIR]montint-src/ -
[DIR]movie-ecorg/ -
[DIR]nlfcl/ -
[DIR]opensubtitles-fi/ -
[DIR]opusparcus/ -
[DIR]psychlingdesc/ -
[DIR]puhelahjat/ -
[DIR]reittidemo/ -
[DIR]rel-freq-fi-lit/ -
[DIR]ScotsCorr/ -
[DIR]semfinlex/ -
Finnish parliament and court documents
[DIR]SNC1/ -
[DIR]snowfrog/ -  
Finnish News Agency
[DIR]Suomi24/ -
[DIR]taajuussanasto9996/ -
[DIR]tallvocabl2fi/ -
[DIR]tboneslim/ -
[DIR]termforum-src/ -
[DIR]textreuse-sv/ -
Sanastokeskus TSK
[DIR]uspenskij-4bat-par/ -
[DIR]Wanca/ -
Collection of Uralic Languages
[DIR]wikipedia-fi/ -
[DIR]wordvec/ -
[DIR]xmas-gospel-tts/ -
Archives of the Finnish Broadcasting Company
[DIR]Ylilauta/ -