How to get access to the language resources of the Language Bank of Finland
How to use the resources and services of the Language Bank of Finland

Public resources
Many corpora and tools in the Language Bank of Finland can be accessed without signing in. Publicly accessible corpora are marked in the corpus list with PUB icons. Public corpora can be used for queries in the Korp interface. Some PUB corpora’s licenses also allow downloading them at the Language Bank’s download service.

Corpora that require signing in
Some corpora can be accessed by signing in with an account from an organization that is a member of the Haka or eduGAIN federation. These corpora can be identified by the ACA icon and can be accessed by members of these organizations without applying for more specific access rights.
Corpora that require personal access rights

Certain corpora require personal access rights. Rights can be applied for via the Language Bank Rights service. If you have a Haka or eduGAIN account, please use it to sign in. Note that a more detailed research plan is required especially when applying for access to corpora containing personal data (license condition +PRIV).
- You can apply for access to one or several corpora.
- In case you are a Master or Bachelor level student, please mention, in your research plan, the university and course where you need to use the resource. When applying for rights to use a corpus that contains personal data (+PRIV), include also the name of your teacher or supervisor.
- Submitting an application is equivalent to an electronic signature to approve corpus-specific and general terms of use.
- The application process typically takes up to a week.
- Once access has been granted, you can use the corpus after signing in to the respective service.
- Where to find the corpus?
- NB: When using a corpus that contains personal data (license includes the condition +PRIV), you are required to follow the resource-specific data processing terms and conditions that are provided with the license. You are required to provide the Language Bank of Finland with the title of your project and a public link to the Privacy Notice of the research you are conducting. The submitted details will be published on the Language Bank website. In addition, please read the guidelines for processing corpora stored in the Language Bank of Finland that contain personal data.
No Haka or eduGAIN credentials?
If you cannot use Haka or eduGAIN, you can apply for a CLARIN account and use it for logging in. For non-Haka users in Finland, an Eduuni account is recommended.
Applying for access to the Korp concordance query service
- Most corpora deposited in Korp are available publicly, without signing in.
- Some corpora in Korp require a personal corpus-specific access right.
- In Korp’s corpus selector menu, these corpora are marked with a lock if you are not signed in or if you do not have the right to access the said corpus.
- Corpora protected by a CLARIN ACA license can be used without applying for specific rights if you are an active member of a university, i.e. a student or a member of staff. Alumni and library users need to apply for a specific access right.
- Corpus access rights can be applied for via the Language Bank Rights service.
- Signing in to Korp works with Haka or eduGAIN credentials or an Eduuni or CLARIN account.
- NB: When using a corpus that contains personal data (license includes the condition +PRIV),, you are required to follow the resource-specific data processing terms and conditions that are provided with the license. You are required to provide the Language Bank of Finland with the title of your project and a public link to the Privacy Notice of the research you are conducting. The submitted details will be published on the Language Bank website. In addition, please read the guidelines for processing corpora stored in the Language Bank of Finland that contain personal data.
The LAT (Language Archive Tools) interface
Using the Language Bank of Finland in teaching
- The Language Bank of Finland and CSC’s computing environment can be used in teaching.
- Even first degree students can be granted language resource access rights or CSC user accounts.
- When applying for access rights to restricted corpora in the Language Bank, a student’s research plan should include the name of the course and university where the services are to be used.
- In case a first degree student is applying for permission to use a corpus that contains personal data (+PRIV), the name of the teacher or supervisor must be included in the student’s research plan. The supervisor will then be asked by the Language Bank to review the application. In order for the review process to be completed, the supervisor should have logged in to the Language Bank Rights system at least once.
- In case a restricted resource is to be used by a group of students during a course, the teacher of the course may submit an application together with several students who would need access rights. In this case, the teacher selects or invites all the students as applicants in the same application. The students’ names can be found directly on the system if each of them has previously logged in at least once, or individual students can be invited to log in. The research plan should include the name of the course, the name and home university of the teacher and a sufficiently detailed description of the purpose of using the resource.
- Note that for some resources, there may be additional restrictions or limitations concerning the use of personal data for teaching purposes.
- NB: When using a corpus that contains personal data (license includes the condition +PRIV), you are required to follow the resource-specific data processing terms and conditions that are provided with the license. Regarding your teaching or research project, you are required to provide the Language Bank of Finland with the title of your project and a public link to the Privacy Notice. The submitted details will be published on the Language Bank website. In addition, please read the guidelines for processing corpora stored in the Language Bank of Finland that contain personal data, and make sure that your students know how to maintain the appropriate level of confidentiality and data security when processing the personal data.
- User accounts are private! Every user needs an individual account, including students.
CSC user account and the computing environment
If you only want to use the corpora in Korp or the download service, a CSC account is not necessary. However, in order to use the command line tools in CSC’s computing environment, you do need a CSC account.
What does a CSC user account provide?
- Access to the services in
- Generously sized temporary directories.
- You may use the command line tools and corpora that are available in CSC’s computing environment. The environment also enables more flexible use of the corpora as well as software development.
- Access to CSC’s computing environment.
- On request, project directories for research groups in the computing environment (see CSC data storage services).
- On request, long-term storage space in the IDA service.
- Other CSC services.
NB: CSC’s User Management periodically removes accounts that have been unused for a long time. If this is the case, a new application has to be submitted.