1990- ja 2000-luvun suomalaisia aikakaus- ja sanomalehtiä

This page is to inform you that changes have been made to the original corpus data referenced by the PID urn:nbn:fi:lb-2016021202 (and hdl:11113/lb-2016021202) on 24.11.2017. The original content is available upon request.

Click here to proceed to the dataset in Korp. The dataset contains slight changes detailed below.

Morphological, syntactic and name annotations have been added to the data of the following sub corpora (only other magazines and newspapers):

  • Ekonomi
  • Verkkolehti Koskinen

For more information please see paragraph 1 on  General Fixes 11/2017.

The attribute ‘lemma’ has been changed to ‘lemmacomp’ in the data of the following sub corpora (only scientific magazines):

  • Aakusti
  • Agricolan Tietosanomat
  • Aikakauskirja Äidinkielen opetustiede
  • Aikuiskasvatus
  • Alue ja ympäristö
  • Areiopagi
  • ATS-Ydintekniikka
  • Auraica
  • Bryobrotherella
  • Diakonian tutkimus –aikakauskirja
  • GeoFoorumi
  • Glossae
  • Harukaze
  • Havina
  • Musiikkikasvatuslehti
  • Psykologia-lehti
  • Ruralia-lehti

For more information please see section 2 on  General Fixes 11/2017.

Simple search autocompletion and word picture function has been fixed for the following corpus:

  • 30 Päivää

For more information please see section 3 on  General Fixes 11/2017.


Hae Kielipankki-portaalista:
Aku Rouhe
Kuukauden tutkija: Aku Rouhe


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kielipankki (ät) csc.fi
p. 09 4572001

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fin-clarin (ät) helsinki.fi
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