Resources in our corpus list marked with CLARIN ACA licenses are open to active members of universities, from students to professors. Most users can use ACA resources simply by logging in, they are automatically identified by their home organisations. These users do not need to apply separately for ACA status as outlined below.

Some universities do not yet electronically identify their users as such and some user groups cannot be automatically classed as active members, like affiliates. Such users can apply for CLARIN ACA status via the Language Bank Rights system. By applying you certify that you intend to use our CLARIN ACA licensed resources for research purposes only. Please note that you need to adhere to the respective ACA licenses of the resources which can differ from each other.



CLARIN has 3 main license categories, PUB, ACA and RES:

  • PUB: Access is granted to anyone willing to abide by the possible license restrictions.
  • ACA: Access is granted for research purposes to researchers willing to abide by the possible license restrictions. The users need to identify themselves as academic users but do not need to submit resource-specific applications.
  • RES: Access is granted only on a personal basis with a resource-specific application.

ACA status has thus features of both PUB status (the resource is open for researchers) and RES status (access is only granted for identified users).

Application process via LBR

The user gives a short explanation as to why ACA status should be granted and accepts the following conditions:

  • Kielipankki general use
  • CLARIN ACA conditions for academic use (this page)

Optionally, the user can name a referee, someone with ACA status who is willing to vouch for the user.

The final decision on ACA status is made by CSC.

Lifetime of ACA status

The ACA status is valid as long as the eduGAIN/Haka account is valid.

RES process for ACA resources

Individual ACA resources can be made available to users not eligible for general ACA status. For such cases all ACA resources have RES type application forms in LBR. In this case, access is granted only for the specific resource.


[Kelli et al. 2015] Aleksei Kelli, Kadri Vider, Krister Lindén: The Regulatory and Contractual Framework as an Integral Part of the CLARIN Infrastructure. Selected Papers from the CLARIN Annual Conference 2015, Wroclaw, Poland, October 14–16, 2015. Linköping University Electronic Press: Linköpings universitet. Available at:

Hae Kielipankki-portaalista:
Elina Vaahensalo
Kuukauden tutkija: Elina Vaahensalo


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