Tieteen termipankki (The Helsinki Term Bank for the Arts and Sciences, HTB) on monitieteinen hanke, jonka tavoitteena on koota kaikkien Suomessa harjoitettavien tieteenalojen pysyvä termitietokanta. Termipankille on luotu Semantic MediaWiki -alusta, joka toimii yhteistyöympäristönä. Kuka tahansa voi vapaasti hyödyntää alustaa ja osallistua termejä koskevaan keskusteluun.
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Tämän sivun pysyvä tunniste: urn:nbn:fi:lb-2024010821
Terminology Forum is a global non-profit information forum for freely available terminological information online, created by experts and enthusiasts in various fields. The Forum was established in 1994 and is maintained by the University of Vaasa, Finland.
The related corpus Terminology Forum Glossaries (selection), source is available for download in the download service of Kielipankki.
This resource group page has a Persistent Identifier: http://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi:lb-2021110404
Wanca is a portal for websites in Uralic languages. It offers a collection of links to web pages written in various Uralic languages. The pages have been found using the automated system developed in the SUKI project.
In the SUKI project smaller Uralic languages are promoted, which means that links to pages written in Hungarian, Finnish or Estonian are not collected. Wanca is the result of the Language Programme of the Kone Foundation for small Finno-Ugric languages.
In Kielipankki, the Language Bank of Finland, the resource Wanca 2016 is available as Korp version and for download.
This resource group page has a Persistent Identifier: http://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi:lb-2021101110
Sanat is a platform for publishing lexica and word lists, maintained by Kielipankki, the Language Bank of Finland.
Examples of resources published in Sanat:
Online Lexicon of Veps Language
The Sanat Version of the Finnish FrameNet
The Sanat Version of the Finnish WordNet
This resource group page has a Persistent Identifier: http://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi:lb-2021101109
Finnish Signbank is a lexical database of Finnish Sign Language (FinSL) and Finland-Swedish Sign Language (FinSSL). It is developed by the Corpus Project of Finland’s Sign Languages (CFINSL) at the Sign Language Centre of the University of Jyväskylä together with the corpus and dictionary work of the Finnish Association of the Deaf.
The basic purpose of Finnish Signbank is to serve as a tool in annotating FinSL and FinSSL texts. Linguistic annotations are attached to video time codes, and the coded material can be used to create a corpus of sign language texts.
This resource group page has a Persistent Identifier: http://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi:lb-2021101108
Proto-Indo-European Lexicon is the generative etymological dictionary of Indo-European languages.
The current version, PIE Lexicon Pilot 1.1, presents digitally generated data of hundred most ancient Indo-European languages with three hundred new etymologies for Old Anatolian languages, Hitttite, Palaic, Cuneiform Luwian and Hieroglyphic Luwian, arranged under two hundred Indo-European roots.
More information on the lexicon: http://pielexicon.hum.helsinki.fi/
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Detailed information on the content of each version, user rights and licenses can be found from it’s specific metadata record in META-SHARE.
This resource group page has a Persistent Identifier: http://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi:lb-2021093004
The Helsinki Term Bank for the Arts and Sciences (HTB) is a multidisciplinary project which aims to gather a permanent terminological database for all fields of research in Finland. The project has created this Semantic MediaWiki platform, which offers a collaborative environment. This means that anyone can freely use it and also participate in the discussion about terms.
The Helsinki Term Bank for the Arts and Sciences Metadata and license Attribution instructions |
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Detailed information on the content, user rights and licenses can be found from the metadata record.
This resource group page has a Persistent Identifier: http://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi:lb-2021092002
Team 1 of the Centre of Excellence in Ancient Near Eastern Empires (ANEE) has created a lexical portal that functions as a graphic semantic dictionary. Via this portal the user can explore semantic networks for one (or multiple) words that one is interested in. By following the links, one can also trace attestations back to the dataset in Korp and from there to Open Richly Annotated Cuneiform Corpus (Oracc).
Website of ANEE Lexical Networks v. 2.0
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ANEE Lexical Networks v. 2.0 – the dataset Metadata and license Attribution instructions |
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ANEE lexical portal of Akkadian: fastText Metadata and license Attribution instructions |
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ANEE lexical portal of Akkadian: PMI Metadata and license Attribution instructions |
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ANEE lexical portal of Akkadian: dataset Metadata and license Attribution instructions |
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This resource group page has a Persistent Identifier: http://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi:lb-2021082001