Plenary Sessions of the Parliament of Finland updated in Korp with links to all videos

Esimerkki eduskunnan täysistunnot -aineistoon liittyvästä videonäkymästä

A new version of the Plenary Sessions of the Parliament of Finland corpus is now available via Korp. Since the update, nearly all search results contain a link to the corresponding turn in the original video of the plenary session.

In Korp, it is possible to search the plenary sessions on the basis of the transcript text and various types of metadata, e.g., the speaker’s name or parliamentary group. You can access the video viewer by selecting one of the result lines in the concordance tab in Korp and by clicking on the ’Show video’ link on the bottom right corner of the page. Note, however, that the video will work best on Firefox, i.e., other browsers may not be supported.

The videos are streamed from the online service of the Parliament of Finland. The video page also displays metadata and background information about the search result that was selected in Korp.

The transcripts of the parliamentary sessions shown in Korp are based on the official transcripts provided by the Parliament of Finland. The start and end times of speech turns are based on the automatic alignment produced by an automatic speech recognition tool. For those parts of the text where a good match was not found in the audio track, the speech signal was recognized automatically, and these inserted portions may sometimes contain strange or erroneous content. Links to the original and authoritative transcripts by the Parliament are provided in the search results in Korp.

Please note also that the automatically aligned and recognized transcript text has has been parsed automatically using a Finnish language model. This is why the part-of-speech of word tokens in the Swedish portions within the transcripts has usually been marked as ’foreign word’.

Plenary Sessions of the Parliament of Finland, Kielipankki Korp Version 1.5 contains all the plenary sessions from 10.9.2008 to 1.7.2016.

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