Kielipankki Live


Kielipankki Live is a new series of online events where researcher guests are interviewed and current issues about text and speech resources and the Language Bank of Finland are discussed. After each event, the recorded presentations are made available on YouTube (for materials and links, see the list of past events below). In order to stay tuned on future events, please subscribe to the newsletter of the Language Bank of Finland.

The next Kielipankki Live event: 14.12.2020 at 13.00-15.00

kuva äänen aaltomuodosta


Theme: Speech corpora and personal data
Look forward to expert guests and good discussions! The brief presentations will be held in English, but you can also ask questions in Finnish. The event starts at 13:00 and it is expected to finish by 15:00.


  • Mietta Lennes: Introduction and current affairs in the Language Bank of Finland
  • Krister Lindén: A brief introduction to legal issues regarding language data
  • Interview of Rosa González Hautamäki and Tomi Kinnunen: Experiences from collecting and sharing the Corpus of Age-related Voice Disguise (AVOID) and other speech corpora for research in speech technology. 
  • Satu Saalasti: The DELAD initiative for sharing corpora of disordered speech
  • Aleksi Rossi: A brief status report of the Donate Speech campaign (Lahjoita puhetta)
  • Questions & Answers: Ask the staff and experts of the Language Bank of Finland
  • General discussion


Please register for the event here by 11.12.2020. When registering, you can already ask questions from the researcher guests and from the experts of the Language Bank of Finland. It will also be possible to ask questions during the event.

By registering, you will receive a link for joining Zoom before the event begins. If the event has already started, you can also email fin-clarin [AT] if you want to join late.

The event will be recorded and the main content will be published online. In case you do not wish your face or voice to be recorded, please keep your camera and microphone off during the event. You may also participate in the discusssion via the chat. The names and contact details of the participants will not be published.

All Kielipankki Live events

  • 14.12.2020 at 13-15, in English (register here)
  • 24.8.2020 (in Finnish)
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Tamás Grósz
Researcher of the Month: Tamás Grósz


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The Language Bank's technical support:
kielipankki (at)
tel. +358 9 4572001

Requests related to language resources:
fin-clarin (at)
tel. +358 29 4129317

More contact information