Titles and metadata of the Resources:
License: urn:nbn:fi:lb-2019012325
This page describes the specific conditions regarding the processing of the personal data in this Resource. In addition to these conditions, see the guidelines for processing personal data in the Language Bank of Finland.
University of Jyväskylä
Seminaarinkatu 15 (PO Box 35)
40014 University of Jyväskylä
Contact information of the Data Protection Officer of the Controller: tietosuoja@jyu.fi
The Language Bank of Finland is a Data Processor on behalf of the Controller.
The data subjects are Finnish Sign Language users who voluntarily participated in the study.
In these data protection terms and conditions, End-User means the party acting as the Controller for the Resource received, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679. Depending on the case and the purpose of Resource use, End-User may therefore mean the CLARIN service user’s employer or organisation (e.g., a university, university of applied sciences or other research organisation) or the service user personally.
The End-User understands that when receiving the Resource, it becomes a Controller, as referred to in the data protection legislation. The End-User must ensure that it complies with the applicable data protection legislation when processing personal data.
When you start using this Resource, share the title of your project that is understandable to the general public as well as the link to the publicly available privacy notice (see instructions). This information will be published on the website of the Language Bank of Finland.
This page was last updated on 5.12.2024.
Persistent identifier of this page: urn:nbn:fi:lb-2021062255
Titles of the Resources and metadata:
License: urn:nbn:fi:lb-2024060523
This page describes the specific conditions regarding the processing of the personal data in this Resource. In addition to these conditions, see the guidelines for processing personal data in the Language Bank of Finland.
University of Jyväskylä
Seminaarinkatu 15 (PO Box 35)
40014 University of Jyväskylä
Contact information of the Data Protection Officer of the Controller: tietosuoja@jyu.fi
The Language Bank of Finland is a Data Processor on behalf of the Controller.
The data subjects are Finnish Sign Language users who voluntarily participated in the study.
In these data protection terms and conditions, End-User means the party acting as the Controller for the Resource received, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679. Depending on the case and the purpose of Resource use, End-User may therefore mean the CLARIN service user’s employer or organisation (e.g., a university, university of applied sciences or other research organisation) or the service user personally.
The End-User understands that when receiving the Resource, it becomes a Controller, as referred to in the data protection legislation. The End-User must ensure that it complies with the applicable data protection legislation when processing personal data.
When you start using this Resource, share the title of your project that is understandable to the general public as well as the link to the publicly available privacy notice (see instructions). This information will be published on the website of the Language Bank of Finland.
This page was last updated on 5.12.2024.
Persistent identifier of this page: urn:nbn:fi:lb-2024120521
Title of the Resource: Corpus of Finland-Swedish Sign Language: conversations
Metadata: urn:nbn:fi:lb-2024090321
License: urn:nbn:fi:lb-2024090325
This page describes the specific conditions regarding the processing of the personal data in this Resource. In addition to these conditions, see the guidelines for processing personal data in the Language Bank of Finland.
University of Jyväskylä
Seminaarinkatu 15 (PO Box 35)
40014 University of Jyväskylä
Contact information of the Data Protection Officer of the Controller: tietosuoja@jyu.fi
The Language Bank of Finland is a Data Processor on behalf of the Controller.
The data subjects are users of Finland-Swedish sign language who voluntarily participated in the study.
In these data protection terms and conditions, End-User means the party acting as the Controller for the Resource received, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679. Depending on the case and the purpose of Resource use, End-User may therefore mean the CLARIN service user’s employer or organisation (e.g., a university, university of applied sciences or other research organisation) or the service user personally.
The End-User understands that when receiving the Resource, it becomes a Controller, as referred to in the data protection legislation. The End-User must ensure that it complies with the applicable data protection legislation when processing personal data.
When you start using this Resource, share the title of your project that is understandable to the general public as well as the link to the publicly available privacy notice (see instructions). This information will be published on the website of the Language Bank of Finland.
This page was last updated on 28.10.2024.
Persistent identifier of this page: urn:nbn:fi:lb-2024100823
Title of the Resource: Corpus of Finland-Swedish Sign Language: elicited narratives
Metadata: urn:nbn:fi:lb-2024090322
License: urn:nbn:fi:lb-2024090323
This page describes the specific conditions regarding the processing of the personal data in this Resource. In addition to these conditions, see the guidelines for processing personal data in the Language Bank of Finland.
University of Jyväskylä
Seminaarinkatu 15 (PO Box 35)
40014 University of Jyväskylä
Contact information of the Data Protection Officer of the Controller: tietosuoja@jyu.fi
The Language Bank of Finland is a Data Processor on behalf of the Controller.
The data subjects are users of Finland-Swedish sign language who voluntarily participated in the study.
In these data protection terms and conditions, End-User means the party acting as the Controller for the Resource received, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679. Depending on the case and the purpose of Resource use, End-User may therefore mean the CLARIN service user’s employer or organisation (e.g., a university, university of applied sciences or other research organisation) or the service user personally.
The End-User understands that when receiving the Resource, it becomes a Controller, as referred to in the data protection legislation. The End-User must ensure that it complies with the applicable data protection legislation when processing personal data.
When you start using this Resource, share the title of your project that is understandable to the general public as well as the link to the publicly available privacy notice (see instructions). This information will be published on the website of the Language Bank of Finland.
This page was last updated on 28.10.2024.
Persistent identifier of this page: urn:nbn:fi:lb-2024100821
The licenses for the corpora containing Plenary Sessions of the Parliament of Finland have been updated. Please see the license information below.
Title of Resource: Follow-up Study of Dialects of Finnish (seuruu)
Metadata: urn:nbn:fi:lb-2023082101
License: urn:nbn:fi:lb-2015041307
This page describes the specific conditions regarding the processing of the personal data in the Resource. In addition to these conditions, see the guidelines for processing personal data in the Language Bank of Finland.
Institute for the Languages of Finland
Hakaniemenranta 6
00530 Helsinki
Data Protection Officer of the Institute for the Languages of Finland
Email: maija.sutinen@kotus.fi
The Language Bank of Finland is a Data Processor on behalf of the Controller.
For further details on the data protection of the resources in the Language Bank of Finland, please contact the helpdesk of the Language Bank.
The Resource consists of
A large part of the recordings represent thematic interviews, the topics of which follow the life stages of the interviewees and local issues. At the beginning of the recordings, the full name of the interviewee and the place where the interview was conducted are usually mentioned. The identity of the interviewee may also be revealed indirectly on the basis of their voice, the things mentioned in the interview and the background information included in the Resource, especially in cases of small rural towns.
Efforts have not been made in order to completely remove the identifiers from the recordings, as this would hinder the primary uses of the material, i.e., comparing and monitoring dialects. The recordings cannot be edited to the extent of making them completely anonymous without also making it impossible to carry out the intended research in an appropriate way.
The interviewees were verbally informed that the data collected from them would be used for research and that the interviews would also be archived for later research use. However, no comprehensive documents exist about the permissions asked from the interviewees. Some of the researchers and students who acted as interviewers were instructed to avoid emphasizing dialect or language research when informing their interviewees, in order not to affect their speech and language use. The interviewees were also told that they might be asked to participate in further interviews. Participation was voluntary in all cases.
The data subjects were native speakers of Finnish who represented different ages and ten different rural municipalities in Finland (Alastaro, Alatornio, Artjärvi, Eurajoki, Kauhava, Lapinlahti, Liperi, Pälkäne, Savitaipale, Sotkamo) and volunteered to be interviewed one or more times. Two rounds of interviews were completed partly with the same subjects. The first round of interviews started in 1989 and the second round lasted from 1999 to 2007.
The aim of collecting the data was to study, compare and monitor dialects and their changes over time, both on an individual level and between groups of speakers and localities. Even later, further rounds of interviews, partly with the same interviewees, have been carried out in the same municipalities by new research projects at approximately 10-year intervals.
In these data protection terms and conditions, End-User means the party acting as the Controller for the Resource received, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679. Depending on the case and the purpose of Resource use, End-User may therefore mean the Language Bank user’s employer or organisation (e.g., a university, university of applied sciences or other research organisation) or the service user personally.
The End-User understands that when receiving the Resources, it becomes a controller, as referred to in the data protection legislation. The End-User must ensure that it complies with the applicable data protection legislation when processing personal data.
When applying for access to this Resource, share the title of your project that is understandable to the general public as well as the link to the publicly available privacy notice. The link can be updated at a later time by using this form. This information will be published on the website of the Language Bank of Finland.
This page was last updated on 19.7.2024.
Persistent identifier of this page: urn:nbn:fi:lb-2021062247
Aineiston nimi: Murteenseuruukorpus (seuruu)
Aineiston kuvailutiedot: urn:nbn:fi:lb-2023082101
Lisenssi: urn:nbn:fi:lb-2015041317
Aineisto sisältää henkilötietoja, joiden käsittelyä koskevat erityisehdot on kuvattu tällä sivulla. Tutustu lisäksi henkilötietoja sisältävien Kielipankin aineistojen käsittelyohjeisiin.
Kotimaisten kielten keskus
Hakaniemenranta 6
00530 Helsinki
Kotimaisten kielten keskuksen tietosuojavastaava
Sähköpostiosoite: maija.sutinen@kotus.fi
Kielipankki toimii tämän Aineiston osalta henkilötietojen käsittelijänä.
Lisätietoja Kielipankin aineistojen tietosuojasta voit pyytää FIN-CLARINin asiakaspalvelusta.
Aineisto koostuu
Suuri osa tallenteista on teemahaastatteluja, joiden puheenaiheet myötäilevät haastateltavien elämänvaiheita ja paikkakunnan asioita. Äänitteiden alussa mainitaan useimmiten haastateltavan koko nimi ja paikkakunta, jolla haastattelu on tehty. Haastateltavan henkilöllisyys saattaa käydä ilmi myös muista kohdista epäsuorasti hänen oman puheäänensä, haastattelussa mainittujen asioiden ja muiden Aineistoon sisältyvien tietojen perusteella etenkin, kun kyseessä ovat olleet pienehköt maaseutupaikkakunnat.
Äänitteissä esiintyviä tunnisteita ei ole pyritty poistamaan tai häivyttämään, koska tämä haittaisi Aineiston pääasiallista käyttöä murteiden vertailuun ja seurantaan. Äänitteitä ei voida muokata täysin tunnisteettomiksi siten, että tutkimuksen toteuttaminen olisi edelleen mahdollista tarkoituksenmukaisella tavalla.
Haastateltaville on suullisesti kerrottu, että heiltä kerättyjä tietoja tullaan käyttämään tutkimukseen ja että haastattelut myös arkistoidaan myöhempää tutkimuskäyttöä varten. Kattavia dokumentteja ei varhaisemmista äänitteistä kuitenkaan ole. Toisinaan haastattelijoina toimineet tutkijat ja opiskelijat ovat myös saaneet ohjeekseen välttää korostamasta murre- tai kielentutkimusta, jottei taustoitus vaikuttaisi haastateltavien puheeseen ja kielenkäyttöön. Haastateltaville kerrottiin lisäksi, että heitä voitaisiin pyytää osallistumaan myös uusiin haastattelukierroksiin. Osallistuminen oli kuitenkin kaikissa tapauksissa vapaaehtoista.
Rekisteröidyt ovat kymmeneltä eri maaseutupaikkakunnalta (Alastaro, Alatornio, Artjärvi, Eurajoki, Kauhava, Lapinlahti, Liperi, Pälkäne, Savitaipale, Sotkamo) kotoisin olevia eri-ikäisiä suomalaisia, jotka suostuivat vapaaehtoisesti haastateltaviksi. Ensimmäinen haastattelukierros aloitettiin vuonna 1989 ja toinen kierros kesti vuodesta 1999 vuoteen 2007.
Aineiston keräämisen tavoitteena on ollut, että murteita ja niiden muuttumista ajan mittaan voitaisiin tutkia, vertailla ja seurata sekä yksilötasolla että puhujaryhmien ja paikkakuntien välillä. Samoilla paikkakunnilla on uusina tutkimushankkeina toteutettu haastattelukierroksia osaksi samojen tutkittavien kanssa vielä myöhemminkin noin 10 vuoden välein.
Käyttäjällä tarkoitetaan näissä tietosuojaehdoissa sitä tahoa, joka toimii vastaanotettavan aineiston rekisterinpitäjänä yleisen tietosuoja-asetuksen (EU) 2016/679 mukaan. Käyttäjä voi siis tapauksesta ja aineiston käyttötarkoituksesta riippuen olla Kielipankin käyttäjän työnantaja tai organisaatio, jossa hän toimii (esimerkiksi yliopisto, ammattikorkeakoulu tai muu tutkimusorganisaatio) tai palvelun käyttäjä henkilökohtaisesti.
Käyttäjä ymmärtää, että aineistoa vastaanottaessaan siitä tulee soveltuvan tietosuojalainsäädännön mukaan rekisterinpitäjä. Käyttäjä on vastuussa siitä, että se noudattaa henkilötietojen käsittelyssä soveltuvaa tietosuojalainsäädäntöä.
Kun haet käyttöoikeutta tähän Aineistoon, ilmoita oman hankkeesi yleistajuinen otsikko sekä avoimesti saatavilla olevan tietosuojaselosteen linkki Kielipankille. Linkkiä voi tarvittaessa päivittää myöhemmin tällä lomakkeella. Ilmoitetut tiedot julkaistaan Kielipankin verkkosivuilla.
Tätä sivua on viimeksi päivitetty 19.7.2024.
Tämän sivun pysyvä tunniste: urn:nbn:fi:lb-2021062248
Title of Resource: Aalto University DSP Course Conversation Corpus 2013- (DSPCON)
Metadata: urn:nbn:fi:lb-2015101901
License: urn:nbn:fi:lb-2016112312
This page describes the specific conditions regarding the processing of the personal data in this Resource. In addition to these conditions, see the guidelines for processing personal data in the Language Bank of Finland.
University of Helsinki
PO Box 3
00014 University of Helsinki
Phone: 02941 911
For further details on the data protection of the resources in the Language Bank of Finland, please contact FIN-CLARIN helpdesk.
Data Protection Officer of the University of Helsinki
Email: tietosuoja@helsinki.fi
This information is currently being updated. Please check the metadata of the Resource (see the link on top of this page).
This information is currently being updated. Please check the metadata of the Resource (see the link on top of this page).
In these data protection terms and conditions, End-User means the party acting as the Controller for the Resources received, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679. Depending on the case and the purpose of Resource use, End-User may therefore mean the CLARIN service user’s employer or organisation (e.g., a university, university of applied sciences or other research organisation) or the service user personally.
The End-User understands that when receiving the Resource, it becomes a Controller, as referred to in the data protection legislation. The End-User must ensure that it complies with the applicable data protection legislation when processing personal data.
In order to process the Resource outside the European Economic Area, a license may be granted only on the basis of a specific application. In that case, please contact the Language Bank of Finland.
When you start using this Resource, share the title of your project that is understandable to the general public as well as the link to the publicly available privacy notice by using this form. This information will be published on the website of the Language Bank of Finland.
This page was last updated on 24.6.2021.
Persistent identifier of this page: urn:nbn:fi:lb-2021062221
Title of Resource: Speech and EGG (Electroglottography) Simultaneous Recordings (aku-egg)
Metadata: urn:nbn:fi:lb-2020112923
License: urn:nbn:fi:lb-2015041301
This page describes the specific conditions regarding the processing of the personal data in this Resource. In addition to these conditions, see the guidelines for processing personal data in the Language Bank of Finland.
University of Helsinki
PO Box 3
00014 University of Helsinki
Phone: 02941 911
For further details on the data protection of the resources in the Language Bank of Finland, please contact FIN-CLARIN helpdesk.
Data Protection Officer of the University of Helsinki
Email: tietosuoja@helsinki.fi
The Resource contains brief speech samples (individual words, isolated vowels and some read-aloud text about weather phenomena) from individual speakers and the EGG signal that was registered simultaneously from them. The recordings were made in acoustically high quality conditions. It may be possible to identify individual speakers on the basis of their voice, but apart from the speech signals, he Resource does not contain any other identifying information.
The participants were 12 native Finnish speaking adult volunteers (6 male, 6 female).
In these data protection terms and conditions, End-User means the party acting as the Controller for the Resource received, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679. Depending on the case and the purpose of Resource use, End-User may therefore mean the CLARIN service user’s employer or organisation (e.g., a university, university of applied sciences or other research organisation) or the service user personally.
The End-User understands that when receiving the Resource, it becomes a Controller, as referred to in the data protection legislation. The End-User must ensure that it complies with the applicable data protection legislation when processing personal data.
In order to process the Resource outside the European Economic Area, a license may be granted only on the basis of a specific application. In that case, please contact the Language Bank of Finland.
When you start using this Resource, share the title of your project that is understandable to the general public as well as the link to the publicly available privacy notice by using this form. This information will be published on the website of the Language Bank of Finland.
This page was last updated on 24.6.2021.
Persistent identifier of this page: urn:nbn:fi:lb-2021062229
Title of Resource: Donate Speech Corpus (puhelahjat)
Metadata: urn:nbn:fi:lb-2020090321
License: urn:nbn:fi:lb-2022020223
This page describes the specific conditions regarding the processing of the personal data in the Resource. In addition to these conditions, see the guidelines for processing personal data in the Language Bank of Finland.
University of Helsinki
PO Box 3
00014 University of Helsinki
Phone: 02941 911
For further details on the data protection of the resources in the Language Bank of Finland, please contact the helpdesk of the Language Bank.
Data Protection Officer of the University of Helsinki
Email: tietosuoja@helsinki.fi
The original Resource consists of audio recordings of speech, technical metadata regarding the recording process, and answers that were voluntarily given by the speech donors to a set of non-mandatory background questions. Each piece of recorded audio may also be supplemented with a transcript of the speech content and other descriptions and mark-up that may be created manually or automatically.
The recordings included in the Resource have not been edited with respect to their original content, although the technical format of the audio files may vary due to practical reasons. In some cases, the identity of the speaker may become evident either directly or indirectly, for instance due to their speaking voice or due to some of the content mentioned in the recording. However, the Resource may not be used for identifying speakers.
The technical metadata includes the following types of information:
The technical metadata have been collected and included in the Resource on a coarse level. It is not possible to reveal the identity of the speech donor or the user of the device on the basis of the technical information.
The background details provided by the speech donors include the following:
It is not possible to verify the correctness of the background information mentioned above. The speech donors may have chosen to skip background questions or to submit false information. The free text answers could be provided at the desired level of detail. In case speech was donated several times via the same device, the donor may have given several different answers to the same background questions.
The data subjects are volunteers who participated in the Donate Speech campaign (Lahjoita puhetta) by donating their speech and the background details of their choice.
In these data protection terms and conditions, End-User means the party acting as the Controller for the Resource received, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679. Depending on the case and the purpose of Resource use, End-User may therefore mean the Language Bank user’s employer or organisation (e.g., a university, university of applied sciences or other research organisation) or the service user personally.
The End-User understands that when receiving the Resources, it becomes a controller, as referred to in the data protection legislation. The End-User must ensure that it complies with the applicable data protection legislation when processing personal data.
The End-User shall notify the Language Bank without delay if it identifies or suspect the presence of the following content in the Resource:
The notification made by the End-User shall include information that enables the Language Bank to identify the relevant recording.
The Language Bank may produce new versions of the Resource to ensure, for example, that the rights of data subjects in accordance with Data Protection Legislation are fulfilled and that there is no unlawful content in the Resource. When the Language Bank produces a new version of the Resource and notifies the contact person of the End-User by email, the End-User shall, without delay, delete the old version of the Resource and replace it with the new version. The End-User must submit a functional and valid email address to the Language Bank to which notifications of updates to the Resource are to be sent.
When you start using this Resource, share the title of your project that is understandable to the general public as well as the link to the publicly available privacy notice by using this form. This information will be published on the website of the Language Bank of Finland.
This page was last updated on 1.3.2022.
Persistent identifier of this page: urn:nbn:fi:lb-2022020224
Title of Resource: Skolt Saami Documentation Corpus (2016)
Metadata: urn:nbn:fi:lb-2014073037
License: urn:nbn:fi:lb-2017100122
This page describes the specific conditions regarding the processing of the personal data in this Resource. In addition to these conditions, see the guidelines for processing personal data in the Language Bank of Finland.
University of Helsinki
PO Box 3
00014 University of Helsinki
Phone: 02941 911
For further details on the data protection of the resources in the Language Bank of Finland, please contact FIN-CLARIN helpdesk.
Data Protection Officer of the University of Helsinki
Email: tietosuoja@helsinki.fi
The material includes interviews recorded from speakers of Skolt Saami of different ages, the transcripts of the interviews and other linguistic annotations. The annotated material also includes the translations of the transcripts into Finnish and English.
It is not possible to anonymize the audio material in such a way that it would still be useful for research purposes. The names of the interviewees and other direct identifiers that were mentioned at the beginning of the original recordings have been cut out of the audio recordings, but the rest of the interviews and the textual transcripts may contain direct or indirect identifiers. The data includes information on the gender and birth decade of the Skolt Saami speakers who were interviewed. The names of the interviewers who were involved in the collection of the data are included.
In the names of files and directories and in the textual transcriptions of the data, the subjects are referred to by codes.
The data subjects are speakers of Skolt Saami of different ages.
In these data protection terms and conditions, End-User means the party acting as the Controller for the Resource received, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679. Depending on the case and the purpose of Resource use, End-User may therefore mean the CLARIN service user’s employer or organisation (e.g., a university, university of applied sciences or other research organisation) or the service user personally.
The End-User understands that when receiving the Resource, it becomes a Controller, as referred to in the data protection legislation. The End-User must ensure that it complies with the applicable data protection legislation when processing personal data.
In order to process the Resource outside the European Economic Area, a license may be granted only on the basis of a separate application. In that case, please contact the Language Bank of Finland.
When you start using this Resource, share the title of your project that is understandable to the general public as well as the link to the publicly available privacy notice by using this form. This information will be published on the website of the Language Bank of Finland.
This page was last updated on 7.6.2024.
Persistent identifier of this page: urn:nbn:fi:lb-2021062245
Title of the Resource: DigiTala’s YKI data (digitala-yki)
Metadata: http://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi:lb-2023012629
License: http://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi:lb-2023012631
This page describes the specific conditions regarding the processing of the personal data in this Resource. In addition to these conditions, see the guidelines for processing personal data in the Language Bank of Finland.
University of Helsinki
PO Box 3
00014 University of Helsinki
Phone: 02941 911
For further details on the data protection of the resources in the Language Bank of Finland, please contact FIN-CLARIN helpdesk.
Data Protection Officer of the University of Helsinki
Email: tietosuoja@helsinki.fi
Assessment given by the reviewers regarding the performance of the students
The Resource contains data about the participants of exams in spoken Finnish and Swedish in the general language examinations (YKI exams) in the year 2020. YKI exams are language examinations for adult learners where the participant’s skills of standard language in practical situations are evaluated. The data subjects come from various language backgrounds and nationalities and speak Finnish or Swedish as a second or foreign language.
In these data protection terms and conditions, End-User means the party acting as the Controller for the Resource received, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679. Depending on the case and the purpose of Resource use, End-User may therefore mean the CLARIN service user’s employer or organisation (e.g., a university, university of applied sciences or other research organisation) or the service user personally.
The End-User understands that when receiving the Resource, it becomes a Controller, as referred to in the data protection legislation. The End-User must ensure that it complies with the applicable data protection legislation when processing personal data.
Aineistoa ei saa käyttää puhujan henkilöllisyyden tunnistamiseen.
When you start using this Resource, share the title of your project that is understandable to the general public as well as the link to the publicly available privacy notice by using this form. This information will be published on the website of the Language Bank of Finland.
Aineisto sisältää henkilötietoja n. vuoteen 2100 asti.
This page was last updated on 21.1.2024.
Persistent identifier of this page: urn:nbn:fi:lb-2023092924
Titles and metadata of the Resources:
DigiTala: L2 Finnish data from upper secondary schools, spring 2021 (digitala-spring2021)
Metadata: http://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi:lb-2023012621
DigiTala: L2 Finnish data from upper secondary schools and university, autumn 2021 (digitala-autumn2021)
Metadata: http://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi:lb-2023012625
DigiTala: L2 Swedish data from adult language learners, spring 2023 (digitala-sv-spring2023)
Metadata: http://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi:lb-2023082921
License: http://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi:lb-2023012623
This page describes the specific conditions regarding the processing of the personal data in this Resource. In addition to these conditions, see the guidelines for processing personal data in the Language Bank of Finland.
University of Helsinki
PO Box 3
00014 University of Helsinki
Phone: 02941 911
For further details on the data protection of the resources in the Language Bank of Finland, please contact FIN-CLARIN helpdesk.
Data Protection Officer of the University of Helsinki
Email: tietosuoja@helsinki.fi
Opinions of the participants regarding the test and self-assessment of performance
Speech recordings of the participants (speaking about topics assigned in the test)
Human assessments of the performance of each participant (score and verbal feedback)
Assessment given by the reviewers regarding the performance of the students (for individual questions in the exam and total assessment)
Feedback from the reviewers about the tool that was being developed, about the assessment process and about the assessment training
In these data protection terms and conditions, End-User means the party acting as the Controller for the Resource received, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679. Depending on the case and the purpose of Resource use, End-User may therefore mean the CLARIN service user’s employer or organisation (e.g., a university, university of applied sciences or other research organisation) or the service user personally.
The End-User understands that when receiving the Resource, it becomes a Controller, as referred to in the data protection legislation. The End-User must ensure that it complies with the applicable data protection legislation when processing personal data.
Aineistoa ei saa käyttää puhujan henkilöllisyyden tunnistamiseen.
When you start using this Resource, share the title of your project that is understandable to the general public as well as the link to the publicly available privacy notice by using this form. This information will be published on the website of the Language Bank of Finland.
Aineisto sisältää henkilötietoja n. vuoteen 2100 asti.
This page was last updated on 21.1.2024.
Persistent identifier of this page: urn:nbn:fi:lb-2023092922
Title of Resource: Finnish Dark Web Marketplace Corpus (findarc)
Metadata: urn:nbn:fi:lb-2022062221
License: urn:nbn:fi:lb-2022062222
This page describes the specific conditions regarding the processing of the personal data in the Resource. In addition to these conditions, see the guidelines for processing personal data in the Language Bank of Finland.
University of Tampere
33014 University of Tampere
For further details on the data protection of the resources in the Language Bank of Finland, please contact FIN-CLARIN helpdesk.
Email: dpo@tuni.fi
The Resource may contain information about the age, gender, place of residence, ethnic origin, sexual orientation or other identifying factors of persons who have posted messages on the site or of other persons described by them, and it may contain usernames that include information that may contribute to the identification of the person.
In these data protection terms and conditions, End-User means the party acting as the Controller for the Resource received, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679. Depending on the case and the purpose of Resource use, End-User may therefore mean the CLARIN service user’s employer or organisation (e.g., a university, university of applied sciences or other research organisation) or the service user personally.
The End-User understands that when receiving the Resources, it becomes a Controller, as referred to in the data protection legislation. The End-User must ensure that it complies with the applicable data protection legislation when processing personal data.
The processing of personal data contained in the Resource involves risks that call for a particularly high level of information security. Risk assessment was performed as part of the project in which the Resource was collected.
When starting to use the Resource, the End-User is required to provide the title of their project that is understandable to the general public and the link to the publicly available privacy notice to the Language Bank. These details are submitted when applying for access to the Resource, and they can be updated at a later stage by using this form. The project title and the link to the privacy notice will be published on the website of the Language Bank of Finland.
This page was last updated on 18.4.2023.
Persistent identifier of this page: urn:nbn:fi:lb-2022062224
Title of Resource: Donate Speech Corpus (puhelahjat)
Metadata: urn:nbn:fi:lb-2020090321
License: urn:nbn:fi:lb-2022020223
This page describes the specific conditions regarding the processing of the personal data in the Resource. In addition to these conditions, see the guidelines for processing personal data in the Language Bank of Finland.
University of Helsinki
PO Box 3
00014 University of Helsinki
Phone: 02941 911
For further details on the data protection of the resources in the Language Bank of Finland, please contact the helpdesk of the Language Bank.
Data Protection Officer of the University of Helsinki
Email: tietosuoja@helsinki.fi
The original Resource consists of audio recordings of speech, technical metadata regarding the recording process, and answers that were voluntarily given by the speech donors to a set of non-mandatory background questions. Each piece of recorded audio may also be supplemented with a transcript of the speech content and other descriptions and mark-up that may be created manually or automatically.
The recordings included in the Resource have not been edited with respect to their original content, although the technical format of the audio files may vary due to practical reasons. In some cases, the identity of the speaker may become evident either directly or indirectly, for instance due to their speaking voice or due to some of the content mentioned in the recording. However, the Resource may not be used for identifying speakers.
The technical metadata includes the following types of information:
The technical metadata have been collected and included in the Resource on a coarse level. It is not possible to reveal the identity of the speech donor or the user of the device on the basis of the technical information.
The background details provided by the speech donors include the following:
It is not possible to verify the correctness of the background information mentioned above. The speech donors may have chosen to skip background questions or to submit false information. The free text answers could be provided at the desired level of detail. In case speech was donated several times via the same device, the donor may have given several different answers to the same background questions.
The data subjects are volunteers who participated in the Donate Speech campaign (Lahjoita puhetta) by donating their speech and the background details of their choice.
In these data protection terms and conditions, End-User means the party acting as the Controller for the Resource received, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679. Depending on the case and the purpose of Resource use, End-User may therefore mean the Language Bank user’s employer or organisation (e.g., a university, university of applied sciences or other research organisation) or the service user personally.
The End-User understands that when receiving the Resources, it becomes a controller, as referred to in the data protection legislation. The End-User must ensure that it complies with the applicable data protection legislation when processing personal data.
The End-User shall notify the Language Bank without delay if it identifies or suspect the presence of the following content in the Resource:
The notification made by the End-User shall include information that enables the Language Bank to identify the relevant recording.
The Language Bank may produce new versions of the Resource to ensure, for example, that the rights of data subjects in accordance with Data Protection Legislation are fulfilled and that there is no unlawful content in the Resource. When the Language Bank produces a new version of the Resource and notifies the contact person of the End-User by email, the End-User shall, without delay, delete the old version of the Resource and replace it with the new version. The End-User must submit a functional and valid email address to the Language Bank to which notifications of updates to the Resource are to be sent.
When you start using this Resource, share the title of your project that is understandable to the general public as well as the link to the publicly available privacy notice by using this form. This information will be published on the website of the Language Bank of Finland.
This page was last updated on 1.3.2022.
Persistent identifier of this page: urn:nbn:fi:lb-2022020224
Title of Resource: Aalto University DSP Course Conversation Corpus 2013- (DSPCON)
Metadata: urn:nbn:fi:lb-2015101901
License: urn:nbn:fi:lb-2016112312
This page describes the specific conditions regarding the processing of the personal data in this Resource. In addition to these conditions, see the guidelines for processing personal data in the Language Bank of Finland.
University of Helsinki
PO Box 3
00014 University of Helsinki
Phone: 02941 911
For further details on the data protection of the resources in the Language Bank of Finland, please contact FIN-CLARIN helpdesk.
Data Protection Officer of the University of Helsinki
Email: tietosuoja@helsinki.fi
This information is currently being updated. Please check the metadata of the Resource (see the link on top of this page).
This information is currently being updated. Please check the metadata of the Resource (see the link on top of this page).
In these data protection terms and conditions, End-User means the party acting as the Controller for the Resources received, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679. Depending on the case and the purpose of Resource use, End-User may therefore mean the CLARIN service user’s employer or organisation (e.g., a university, university of applied sciences or other research organisation) or the service user personally.
The End-User understands that when receiving the Resource, it becomes a Controller, as referred to in the data protection legislation. The End-User must ensure that it complies with the applicable data protection legislation when processing personal data.
In order to process the Resource outside the European Economic Area, a license may be granted only on the basis of a specific application. In that case, please contact the Language Bank of Finland.
When you start using this Resource, share the title of your project that is understandable to the general public as well as the link to the publicly available privacy notice by using this form. This information will be published on the website of the Language Bank of Finland.
This page was last updated on 24.6.2021.
Persistent identifier of this page: urn:nbn:fi:lb-2021062221
Title of Resource: Speech and EGG (Electroglottography) Simultaneous Recordings (aku-egg)
Metadata: urn:nbn:fi:lb-2020112923
License: urn:nbn:fi:lb-2015041301
This page describes the specific conditions regarding the processing of the personal data in this Resource. In addition to these conditions, see the guidelines for processing personal data in the Language Bank of Finland.
University of Helsinki
PO Box 3
00014 University of Helsinki
Phone: 02941 911
For further details on the data protection of the resources in the Language Bank of Finland, please contact FIN-CLARIN helpdesk.
Data Protection Officer of the University of Helsinki
Email: tietosuoja@helsinki.fi
The Resource contains brief speech samples (individual words, isolated vowels and some read-aloud text about weather phenomena) from individual speakers and the EGG signal that was registered simultaneously from them. The recordings were made in acoustically high quality conditions. It may be possible to identify individual speakers on the basis of their voice, but apart from the speech signals, he Resource does not contain any other identifying information.
The participants were 12 native Finnish speaking adult volunteers (6 male, 6 female).
In these data protection terms and conditions, End-User means the party acting as the Controller for the Resource received, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679. Depending on the case and the purpose of Resource use, End-User may therefore mean the CLARIN service user’s employer or organisation (e.g., a university, university of applied sciences or other research organisation) or the service user personally.
The End-User understands that when receiving the Resource, it becomes a Controller, as referred to in the data protection legislation. The End-User must ensure that it complies with the applicable data protection legislation when processing personal data.
In order to process the Resource outside the European Economic Area, a license may be granted only on the basis of a specific application. In that case, please contact the Language Bank of Finland.
When you start using this Resource, share the title of your project that is understandable to the general public as well as the link to the publicly available privacy notice by using this form. This information will be published on the website of the Language Bank of Finland.
This page was last updated on 24.6.2021.
Persistent identifier of this page: urn:nbn:fi:lb-2021062229
Title of Resource: Yves Montand in the USSR interviews (MONTINT)
Metadata: urn:nbn:fi:lb-2020081501
License: urn:nbn:fi:lb-2021050422
This page describes the specific conditions regarding the processing of the personal data in the Resource. In addition to these conditions, see the guidelines for processing personal data in the Language Bank of Finland.
University of Helsinki
PO Box 3
00014 University of Helsinki
Phone: 02941 911
For further details on the data protection of the resources in the Language Bank of Finland, please contact FIN-CLARIN helpdesk.
Email: tietosuoja@helsinki.fi
Depending on what information each interviewee agreed to provide, the Resource includes the first and last names and the patronyms of some interviewees; only the first and last name of some others; and just the first name or an alias for the rest. For each interviewee, the (approximate) year of birth is also included. In addition, the location where the interview took place and the places of residence of the interviewees may be disclosed in the Resource.
Even though the interviewees may be identifiable in the Resource, the topic of the interviews is very general and does not reveal any sensitive or private matters concerning the participants, and it is not possible to perform surveillance of the interviewees. Thus, it is unlikely that any significant risks or harm could be caused to the participants as a result of the processing of their personal data.
The Resource includes interviews of Russians who had either personal or ”inherited” memories about the Yves Montand tour. The interviewees were found either in the social networks of the students who contributed in the Resource as interviewers or via social media.
In these data protection terms and conditions, End-User means the party acting as the Controller for the Resource received, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679. Depending on the case and the purpose of Resource use, End-User may therefore mean the CLARIN service user’s employer or organisation (e.g., a university, university of applied sciences or other research organisation) or the service user personally.
The End-User understands that when receiving the Resources, it becomes a Controller, as referred to in the data protection legislation. The End-User must ensure that it complies with the applicable data protection legislation when processing personal data.
In order to process the Resource outside the European Economic Area, a license may be granted only on the basis of a specific application. In that case, please contact the Language Bank of Finland.
When you start using this Resource, share the title of your project that is understandable to the general public as well as the link to the publicly available privacy notice by using this form. This information will be published on the website of the Language Bank of Finland.
This page was last updated on 24.6.2021.
Persistent identifier of this page: urn:nbn:fi:lb-2021050624