The Newspaper and Periodical OCR Corpus of the National Library of Finland: Acronym ’digilib’ changed to ’klk’

The short name for the following two corpora, available in our download service, used to be digilib. Since the National Library has a service called ”Digi” that offers partly the same content but in different forms or versions, we have decided to change the acronym of the Kielipankki versions from digilib into klk.

All the currently available corpora included in the collection titled The Newspaper and Periodical Corpus of the National Library of Finland, Kielipankki Version (KLK) can be found on the resource group page.

The two data sets where the name change applies:

klk-fi-1874-dl (= former digilib-pub-1771-1874): The Newspaper and Periodical OCR Corpus of the National Library of Finland (1771-1874): corpus description, corpus in download

klk-fi-1920-dl (= former digilib-pub-1875-1920): The Newspaper and Periodical OCR Corpus of the National Library of Finland (1875-1920): corpus description, corpus in download