Extended Search examples

This page shows some extended search example with screenshots. It complements the section Extended Search of the main Korp documentation. Note that the extended search form has slightly changed in Korp9: The (+) sign is an explicit ”and” and the option cogwheel an explicit ”Options”.

Example 1

Find all the occurrences of the verb olla (‘to be’):

Examples of hits:

  • olisi
  • ollut

Example 2

Find any adjective

Example of hits:

  • vilpittömän
  • mukava
  • suuria

Example 3

for all the occurrences of the illative forms of the word talo ‘house’  in a corpus annotated with the TDT (Turku Dependency Treebank) parser (in Finnish) (e.g. KLK):

Example of hits:

  • taloon
  • taloihin

Note: The search only works properly if you use the AND operator, only then will Korp find baseforms that are ”talo” and are in illative case.

Example 4

All occurences of two specific lemmas with 1-10 random words between them.

Examples of hits (matching main words in bold):

  • Eduskunnan presidentinlinnaan vaihtava Tarja Halonen hyvästeli työtovereitaan eduskunnassa[…]
  • […]demokratia jos kansanedustaja ei edustakaan kansaa eduskunnassa[…]

Note: The search only works properly if you use the OR operator. If you accidentally use AND you instruct Korp to look for a baseform that is one AND the other at the same time which will not produce any results.

Hae Kielipankki-portaalista:
Aku Rouhe
Kuukauden tutkija: Aku Rouhe


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