CLARIN Legal terms, agreements and licenses

CLARIN categories are a set of usage categories. Below are the agreements providing the framework for including resources in these categories.

CLARIN Categories

Based on their licences, language resources can be divided into three CLARIN categories: CLARIN PUB, CLARIN ACA or CLARIN RES. Well-known end-user licences can also be classified according to the CLARIN categories.

CLARIN Deposition License Agreements (DELA; version 1.0)

CLARIN deposition licences are available for curating a minimal set of usage conditions to include a resource in the CLARIN PUB, ACA or RES categories. The minimal deposition licences can be used as checklists if you wish to use your own set of deposition licences to curate additional usage conditions from a resource provider.

NB: The Language Bank of Finland (FIN-CLARIN) uses a new local version of the Deposition License Agreement template for agreements that are made with the Language Bank / the University of Helsinki. Most of the changes and additions in the new templates are due to legal and administrative requirements regarding personal data processing. The DELA template is available in Finnish and in English. However, please be aware that due to potential differences in legal systems and local practices, the Finnish template and the guidelines included in the documents may not be directly applicable to similar purposes in other countries or for other types of organizations and other CLARIN services.

CLARIN End-User License Agreements (EULA)

CLARIN End-User License Agreement (EULA) templates include the additional terms that may be applied on individual resources distributed by CLARIN.

CLARIN Terms of Service (TOS)

CLARIN Terms of Service describe the general conditions for accessing the resources distributed by CLARIN.

NB: The Language Bank of Finland (FIN-CLARIN) uses an updated local version of the CLARIN Terms of Service: Terms of Use of the Language Bank of Finland. 

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The Language Bank's technical support:
kielipankki (at)
tel. +358 9 4572001

Requests related to language resources:
fin-clarin (at)
tel. +358 29 4129317

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