
Us­ing An­cient Tree­banks: Re­ports and Dreams

Sept 20-21, 2019

University of Helsinki
Porthania P673 (Yliopistonkatu 3, Helsinki)


Treebanks are useful modern tools with which we can enhance our understanding of the syntax of a language. This workshop will address the usage of treebanks in research and the development of any tools that may further such research.

We are following the guidelines of the Universal Dependencies (UD) annotation scheme. We are therefore happy to have Joakim Nivre from Uppsala University as the keynote speaker of the workshop.

Despite our emphasis on ancient, extinct languages, especially on the Ancient Near Eastern languages, including Akkadian and Sumerian, our work takes place in close collaboration with modern languages.

We are also looking forward to any theoretical approach regarding automated annotation, machine learning or any practical and methodological solutions that could ideally also help to reach out to the wider audience.

Workshop program:

Because of coffee breaks, we kindly ask you to register for this workshop via the following e-form by Monday, September 16th, 2019: