Updates to the Terms of Use of the Language Bank of Finland

The Terms of Use of the Language Bank of Finland and the resource-specific license terms and conditions have been updated.

The Terms of Use of the Language Bank of Finland and the General Terms of Use for CSC’s Services for Research and Education are binding to all users of the Language Bank of Finland. In addition, the users are required to comply with the resource-specific terms and conditions.

Read the general terms as well as the resource-specific licenses carefully. The link to the license of a given resource is provided in the metadata record of the resource in question and on the list of resources of the Language Bank.

During the spring, the licenses of all resources that contain personal data will be supplemented with resource-specific data protection terms and conditions. In case you notice that the data protection terms and conditions have not yet been specified for the resource you are planning to use, please follow the guidelines for processing corpora stored in the Language Bank of Finland that contain personal data and contact the Language Bank in case you need further information regarding data protection.

Notifications about updates regarding the licenses of individual resources will be published on the Language Bank website as well as emailed to the users who have access to the resource on the basis of a separate application.


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