The Donate Speech campaigns in Finnish and Finland-Swedish are closed

A big thank you to all donors!

Starting from 16th June 2020, Yle (The Finnish Broadcasting Company), the former Vake Oy (Valtion kehitysyhtiö; currently, Ilmastorahasto Oy) and the University of Helsinki have been running the Donate Speech campaign (Lahjoita puhetta) for collecting Finnish speech. In a smaller campaign (Donera prat) that started in 2021, Finland-Swedish speech has also been collected. During the first year of the Finnish campaign, more than 3000 hours of speech were donated. More recently, however, very few donations have been rolling in.

The Finnish and Finland-Swedish speech donation campaigns are now closed. The datasets will be organized and stored by the Language Bank of Finland (Kielipankki). Via the Language Bank, researchers and companies can obtain access to Donate Speech datasets under specific conditions. We hope that the data will help both researchers and companies in creating better models of Finnish speech and in developing future services that can be readily used in Finnish.

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