News from the Language Bank of Finland 14th November 2016

Kielipankki researcher of the month

Referencing Kielipankki corpora with just one click

  • We have added a cite column to the Kielipankki corpora table. By clicking the quotation mark in the column you can view the referencing instructions of the corpus i.a. in Bibtex or Zotero format. You can find a link to the referencing instructions also in the META-SHARE metadata files of the Kielipankki corpora (, see Documentation section, Attribution details).

Almost all of the University of Helsinki’s Finnish e-theses published in Korp

The Open Richly Annotated Cuneiform Corpus in Korp

FIN-CLARIN and the Language Bank of Finland wish you a joyful November!

Imre Bartis
Project Coordinator / FIN-CLARIN