Easy-to-read Finnish magazines also in the corpus folder “Selkokieli”

The easy-to-read Finnish magazines Leija and Selkosanomat/Selkouutiset are now also shown in the corpus folder Selkokieli (Easy-to-read Finnish), which makes it easier to choose all easy-to-read Finnish corpora.

Note that Leija and Selkosanomat/Selkouutiset are still parts of the Corpus of Finnish Magazines and Newspapers from the 1990s and 2000s (1990- ja 2000-luvun suomalaisia aikakaus- ja sanomalehtiä). If you choose the magazines as a part of both easy-to-read Finnish texts and other magazines, the number of corpora shown in the corpus chooser title bar counts them twice, but search results from them are shown only once.