Do you already have an ORCID identifier?

Did you ever run into problems when there was another researcher who had (almost) the same name as you? Did you change your first or last name and wonder how to inform your readers about the change? Do you often need to copy your publication details from one system to another?

ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is an international researcher identifier that will help you maintain your publication record. You remain the owner of your details and you can control their visibility. On the other hand, you may provide a trusted organization, e.g., a university, a library, or a publisher, with the rights to append new information to your record. Your publications and other works will not be confused with those of another researcher, and your information will be preserved even if you change jobs.

ORCID is a not-for-profit organization registered in the United States of America. There are already more than two million ORCID identifiers in the world. Many Finnish universities and research organizations have already agreed on the use of ORCID identifiers.

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