For transfer of copyright to the ownership of the Russian Federation no legal requirements provide for the issue of certificate of the inheritance right. In accordance with Part 2 of Article 1283 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (“Transfer of Exclusive right to the Work by Inheritance”): “In cases indicated in Article 1151 of this Code the exclusive right to the work included in the structure of heritage is terminated, and the work transfers to public domain”. The transfer of the work to public domain means that such work by virtue of Article 1282 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation may be used freely by any person without any consent or authorization and without payment of royalty fee. With that, the authorship, author’s name and the integrity of the work are retained. Thanks to the activity of the National Library Resource, it managed to documentarily prove the fact that the copyright to the Publications belongs to ownerless property (escheat), with regard to which the procedure of the use of works which fell into public domain is implemented. Certificate is available in
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