CLARIN RES end-user license +NC +PRIV +ND +DEP +OTHER v2.1

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Resource: Corpus of Finland-Swedish Sign Language: conversations (URN: urn:nbn:fi:lb-2024090321)

Rightholder: Jyväskylän yliopisto

The Rightholder grants the End-User a personal free, non-exclusive and perpetual (for the duration of the copyright) right to use and make copies of the Resource for the purpose agreed with the End-User as such, as modified, or as part of a compilation or derived work. The permission applies to all known or future modes and means of communication and includes a right to make modifications enabling the use of the Resource on other devices and in other formats.

Additional license terms as defined in the Terms of Service Agreement:

Identification and Access Conditions

  • ID: The End-User must be authenticated or identified.
  • PLAN: The End-User must present a research plan before the license can be granted. The End-User may only use the Resource for the purpose described in the research plan.

General conditions of use

  • BY: The Author(s) of the Resource must be mentioned in connection with use.
  • NC: The Resource may not be used for profit-making purposes. Research projects involving Business Finland, the Academy of Finland or other similar parties are not considered to involve profit-making purposes, even if some of the funding comes from companies.
  • PRIV: There are personal data in the Resource. The End-User must comply with the data processing terms and conditions of this Resource. The End-User may process the personal data in the Resource only as long as there is a legal purpose for the processing, after which the personal data must be deleted.

Distribution conditions

  • NORED: The Resource may not be disclosed to third parties. However, the Resource may be disclosed to subcontractors with whom appropriate agreements have been made concerning the subcontracted service and the processing of personal data. Subcontractors are only allowed to use the Resource to perform the service.
  • ND: It is not permitted to distribute new works derived from the Resource or containing parts of the original Resource.
  • DEP: Modified versions of the Resource can be made available through the CLARIN service by separate agreement with CLARIN.

Other terms of use

  • OTHER: There are other non-standard conditions in the license that the End-User should pay attention to.
  • Prior to accepting this agreement and starting to process the Resource, the End-User must ensure that it has the right to accept the license and the data protection terms and conditions according to the instructions provided by the End-User’s home organization.

    Data protection terms and conditions for this Resource:

This license has been made in compliance with copyright agreements by WIPO - the World Intellectual Property Organization. The rights granted in this license shall be so interpreted that in case applicable intellectual property laws grant rights not mentioned in this license, they are also regarded as part of the rights to be licensed; the purpose of this license is not to restrict any rights intended to be licensed within different legal systems. Additional rights to the Resource may be agreed separately in writing.

The Language Bank has the right to amend these terms on legitimate grounds, which may relate to, including but not limited to, instructions given by authorities, best practice, or changes in data protection laws or other applicable laws. A notification of any changes made shall be provided sixty (60) days before they take effect on the Language Bank’s website, as well as by email to the addresses included in the User’s application for access to the Resource.

Last updated : 08.10.2024

Persistent Identifier of this license: urn:nbn:fi:lb-2024090325