[Importing corpus data to Korp: technical documentation]

2022-03-22: This document describing corpus configuration in Korp 5 is obsolete. Please see the instructions updated for Korp 9 for an up-to-date version.

Adding a corpus to the Korp frontend (configuration)

General principles

To make a corpus visible in the Korp frontend and to make Korp know how its content can be searched and represented, information on the corpus needs to be added to the configuration files of the Korp frontend (JavaScript files). In addition, you may need to add translations of attribute names (and possibly values) if they are not already present.

The Korp configuration files reside in the Kielipankki-korp-frontend Git(Hub) repository, along with other Korp frontend code. As several corpora may be in the configuration stage at the same time and as their configurations may need adjustments in the process, you should make a new branch in the repository for each corpus to be configured, which allows independent development of the configurations. It is recommended that the branch name is of the form corp-corpusname where corpusname is the name of the corpus (or its abbreviation). After cloning the repository, you can make a new branch and check it out (make it the current working branch) with the commands:

git branch branch_name
git checkout branch_name

When the corpus is to be deployed into production, the corpus-specific configuration branch is merged to the master branch of the repository. For more information on using branches in Git, please see the Git instructions.

(Note that when eventually upgrading Korp to version 7 or 8, the corpus configurations will be separated from other Korp frontend code, possibly to a separate branch or set of branches in the Kielipankki-korp-frontend repository.)

Further information on Korp configuration is available on the Korp frontend information page of Språkbanken. However, note that on the one hand, Kielipankki’s Korp is still an older version that does not have all the features of Språkbanken’s Korp, but on the other hand, the former has some extensions that the latter does not.

If the Korp Web page does not open after the startup screen or if it does not work after modifying configuration or translation files, very likely a modification contained a (syntax) error. The developer’s tools of a Web browser may help in debugging.

In the following instructions, the references to the files of the Korp frontend are relative to the root of the Korp installation. In the Kielipankki-korp-frontend Git repository, it is app/ (relative to the root of the repository) and in the various test instances of Korp on korp.csc.fi it is /var/www/html/test-version/, where version may be a corpus name (or abbreviation), or e.g. jn or ute.

Adding corpus configuration to a Korp configuration file

The “mode” of a corpus

The corpora visible in Korp (Finnish corpora) are configured in the files modes/modename_mode.js. Definitions common to several modes should be added to modes/common.js. The following modes are currently available:

modename Corpora in the mode
default Finnish-language corpora
swedish Swedish-language corpora
other_languages corpora in other languages than Finnish and Swedish
parallel parallel corpora

[2017-12-01: Please note that before Korp version 5.0.10, the configurations for Finnish corpora were in config.js, along with definitions common to several modes.]

Corpus folder in the corpus selector

If a corpus should have its own subtree (folder) in Korp’s corpus selector, it is defined as follows:

settings.corporafolders.folder = {
    title: "Folder title",
    description: "Description of the folder",
    contents: [

Defined as above, folder contains at the leaf-node level the corpora corpus1 and corpus2. More levels of nested folders can be defined as follows:

settings.corporafolders.folder1 = {
    title: "Folder1 title"
    description: "Description of folder1",

settings.corporafolders.folder1.folder2a = {
    title: "Folder 2a title",
    description: "Description of folder2a",
    // Ids of the corpora directly under this folder; preferably list each id on a line of its own.
    contents: [

Now folder1 contains folder2a but no leaf-level corpora, and folder2a contains the corpora corpus1 and corpus2.

Corpora should be divided into folders (primarily) logically, for example, by genre, not by corpus owner. If a folder would have only one corpus, it might not need a folder of its own, unless other corpora are expected that could be added to the same folder.

The folders in a configuration file should be sorted alphabetically by the title of the folder. Also subfolders within a folder should be sorted alphabetically, unless another order is more logical. (The order in the file does not actually guarantee the order in Korp’s corpus selector, but it is often the same.)

Note that the title and description of corpus folders and corpora cannot currently be localized according to the Korp interface language. The titles and descriptions of corpora and folders should in general follow the language of the corpus: Finnish for Finnish corpora and Swedish for Swedish. For corpora in other languages and for parallel corpora, the description may be in the language of the corpus, in English or in Finnish, or in two or three of these languages as deemed appropriate. The titles and descriptions of the language-specific folders in the other-languages mode are in the language of the corpus, English and Finnish. Please see modes/other_languages_mode.js for examples: search for settings.corporafolders.german, for example.

In addition to the properties title, description and content, a corpus folder may have the property info containing further (metadata) information on the corpus. It should (usually) be used only for folders corresponding to logical corpora split into several physical (sub)corpora, and not for folders grouping together different corpora of the same kind. The info property may contain the properties shown and described in the following:

settings.corporafolders.folder1 = {
    title: "Folder1 title"
    description: "Description of folder1",
    info: {
        // URN pointing to the corpus in Korp
        urn: "urn:nbn:fi:lb-201406021",
        // URN pointing to the META-SHARE record
        metadata_urn: "urn:nbn:fi:lb-201406022",
        // Licence information; settings.licenceinfo defined in modes/common.js
        licence: settings.licenceinfo.CC_BY_30,
        // A home page (information page) of the corpus
        homepage: {
            // The link text
            name: "Information page",
            // The link URL
            url: "http://www.example.fi/",
            // No "Home page" label shown in front of the link text
            no_label: true,
        // Link to information on the compiler of the corpus; the subproperties as above
        compiler: {
            name: "Kotimaisten kielten keskus",
            url: "http://www.kotus.fi/",
            no_label: true,
        // The id for obtaining citation information
        cite_id: "cite-key",

The configuration for a corpus

The configuration for a corpus is defined as a property of settings.corpora. The following example shows the most common information, and the comments following // contain further details. Further below are separate instructions on certain special types of attributes and on the special features parallel corpora.

settings.corpora.corpus = {
    // The name shown in the corpus selector; often the short name of the corpus<
    title: "Corpus",
    // The description of the corpus shown when hovering the mouse over the corpus name in the corpus selector
    description: "Corpus whose name is Corpus",
    // The id of the corpus; the same as the last part of
    // settings.corpora.corpus and the name of the corpus in CWB
    id: "corpus",
    // urn, metadata_urn, licence and cite_id should be specified at the corpus level if the physical corpus corresponds
    // to the logical one (that is, if they are not specified at the corpus folder level). All the properties available
    // in the info property of corpus folders can be added directly to the configuration of a corpus.
    urn: "urn:nbn:fi:lb-2016090610",
    metadata_urn: "urn:nbn:fi:lb-20140730158",
    licence: {
        name: "CLARIN RES +PLAN +NC +PRIV 1.0",
        urn: "urn:nbn:fi:lb-2016041802",
    cite_id: "FinStud86",
    // If the corpus has paragraphs marked with paragraph elements, the
    // following are settings.spWithin and settings.spContext
    within: settings.defaultWithin,
    context: settings.defaultContext,
    // The attributes of a token with the names as specified to korp-make --input-attributes
    attributes: {
        // Text input in the extended search: no displayType
        lemma: {
            // The translation key for the attribute name in the frontend; may be different from attribute name.
            label: "baseform",
            // Value comparison options for the extended search: in practice either
            // settings.defaultOptions (for text input), settings.liteOptions (for selection lists)
            // or settings.setOptions (for feature-set attributes)
            opts: settings.defaultOptions
        // Selection list (fixed set of values; see further below)
        pos: {
            label: "pos",
            // Selection list
            displayType: "select",
            // The prefix for the values of this attribute in the translations files
            translationKey: "pos_",
            // Values and their corresponding translation keys
            dataset: {
                "N": "N",
                "A": "A",
                "Unk": "Unknown"
            opts: settings.liteOptions,
        // Reference to an attribute defined earlier
        msd: attrs.msd,
    // Structural attributes: in practice, the attributes in the XML elements of the VRT files
    // (only attributes of the form elem_attr, not structural attributes elem corresponding to plain elements)
    struct_attributes: {
        // The CWB structural attribute text_name corresponds to the attribute "name" of the element "text" in the VRT file
        text_name: {
            label: "text_name",
            displayType: "select",
            localize: false,
            dataset: [
            opts: settings.liteOptions,
        paragraph_id: {
            label: "paragraph_id",
            // An attribute whose value is not shown in the search interface
            displayType: "hidden",
        // Since in practice all corpora have sentence_id, it is best to use the common definition
        sentence_id: sattrs.sentence_id_hidden,

The titles of subcorpora of a corpus should contain the title of the whole (logical) corpus as a part of them. Even though they are seen under the folder representing the whole corpus in the corpus selector, in the results only the title is shown. For example, the titles of the Finnish subcorpora of the KLK corpus (the newspapers and magazines corpus of the Finnish National Library) are of the form “KLK suomi year”. In contrast, intermediate folders in the corpus selector need not have full corpus names, for example, the decades in the KLK corpus.

It is also possible to control the order in which attributes are shown in the sidebar of Korp’s concordance results and whether an attribute should be shown in the sidebar or in the attribute selector of the extended search. However, these features have been implemented in a different way in Kielipankki’s Korp from what has been later added to Språkbanken’s Korp, so they may change. If you need these features now, please ask, or search modes/default_mode.js for sidebar_display_order or displayOnly.

Special types of attributes

Selection lists

If the value set of an attribute is fixed and relatively small (typically fewer than 100 distinct values, preferably fewer than 50), it may make sense to show it as a selection list in Korp’s extended search. This allows showing the values of the attribute localized both in the selection list and in the sidebar. A disadvantage is that at least at present, the user can select only one value at a time in the extended search. (Although, that can be worked around by adding disjunctive conditions on the same attribute, it is somewhat cumbersome.)

An attribute is declared as a selection list by adding to it the property

            displayType: "select",

If the values of the attribute should be localized, you need to define the prefix prepended to the attribute values in the translation files:

            translationKey: "pos_",

The values of the attribute and the translation keys corresponding to them are defined as the property dataset of the attribute declaration. Its value may be either a JavaScript object or array. In an abject, values may have translation keys differing from the values:

            dataset: {
                "N": "N",
                "A": "A",
                "Unk": "Unknown"

In an object, the name of the property is the value of the attribute in the corpus (e.g., Unk above) and the value is the name of the translation key (Unknown above). [TODO: Regular expressions in the attribute values mapping.]

If the translation keys are always the same as the values or if the values should not be translated, it is simpler to use an array, in which case it suffices to write each value once:

            dataset: [

If the values of an attribute should not be translated (for example, names of authors), the property translationKey is omitted and the property localize is set to false:

            localize: false,

Moreover, the value of the property opts of a selection list attribute should be settings.liteOptions, so that the user can only specify the conditions is and is not in the extended search:

            opts: settings.liteOptions,

Links (URLs)

An attribute of type URL is specified by adding the property type with the value url:

        file_url: {
            label: "file_url",
            type: "url",

In this basic case, the KWIC sidebar shows the localized name of the attribute followed by the (possibly abbreviated) URL as the link text. You can specify that the localized attribute name is shown as the link text using the property url_opts.hide_url:

            url_opts: {
                hide_url: true

You can also specify via url_opts that a link should be shown under other attributes (in_link_section: true), or that the linked page should open to a new window or tab (new_window: true). These definitions have been collected to the pre-defined variable sattrs.link_url_opts. The code below defines the URL attribute fulltext_url, with the attribute name as the link text, link below other attributes and the linked page opening in a new window:

        fulltext_url: {
            label: "show_fulltext",
            type: "url",
            url_opts: sattrs.link_url_opts,
            url_prefix: "http://www.example.com/",

In addition, the preceding definition contains the property url_prefix which defines a prefix to be prepended to attribute values, so that a constant URL prefix may be omitted from the attribute values in the corpus data.

Feature-set values

A Korp (CWB) corpus may have attributes with feature-set values, which are in practice multi-valued attributes. Such values are indicated in the corpus data by separating the values with vertical bars and by having a leading and trailing vertical bar. Feature-set values are supported in both positional and structural attributes. In the sidebar of Korp’s concordance results, the values of a feature-set attribute are shown beneath each other.

In a Korp corpus configuration, a feature-set attribute needs to be declared as follows:

    pos: {
        label: "pos",
        type: "set",
        opts: settings.setOptions,
        // ...

Note that you must give the property opts the value settings.setOptions instead of settings.liteOptions: even though they appear the same in the extended search, with the latter, searches would not work. Moreover, settings.defaultOptions does not currently work with feature-set attributes, so value comparisons on feature-set attributes are limited to is and is not in the extended search.

Synthetic (computed) attributes

The sidebar of Korp’s concordance results may show attributes computed based on the values of other attributes, without a corresponding attribute in the corpus data. They may be used for generating URLs with common parts and variable parts filled from other attributes.

A synthetic attribute is defined by adding the definition of an attribute the property synthetic: true and a property stringify_synthetic for generating the value. For example:

    text_page_image_url: {
        label: "show_page_image",
        type: "url",
        url_opts: sattrs.link_url_opts,
        synthetic: true,
        stringify_synthetic: function (token_data) {
            return settings.fn.make_klk_page_image_url(token_data, 0);

The argument of the function value of stringify_synthetic is an object with the following properties:

The positional attributes of the current token: an object with each attribute as the property (name).
The structural attributes of the current token, similarly to pos_attrs.
An array of all the tokens of the sentence. Each token is an object containing positional attributes as in pos_attrs. In addition, the property _match is true for the tokens in the actual match.

See the function settings.fn.find_context_words in modes/common.js for an example of using the token data.

Please be aware that Språkbanken’s Korp may now have other ways of achieving similar effects, so synthetic attribute definitions may eventually need to be changed.

Special attribute properties

Restricted corpora (licence category CLARIN ACA or CLARIN RES)

If the use of the corpus is restricted and requires logging in to Korp, the following properties must be added to corpus settings (otherwise they can be left out):

     limited_content: true,
     licence_type: "RES",

licence_type may be RES or ACA depending on the licence type.

Note that the information on the licence type for restricted corpora must be added to the Korp MySQL authorization database. When using korp-make that can be done with the options --licence-type and --lbr-id. You can also use the script korp-make-auth-info.sh with the same options before packaging the corpus.

Information link

It is possible to add a link to information on attribute values from an info icon (ⓘ) beside the attribute in the concordance sidebar. It can be useful in particular for attributes such as the morphosyntactic description which have a fixed set of values but too large to be enumerated in a value selection list.

An information link for an attribute is specified by adding to the attribute definition the property taginfo_url with the URL as the value:

        sentence_signum: {
            label: "signum",
            // This URL is in the sidebar ⓘ link
            taginfo_url: "markup/dma_signumlist.html",
            // ...

Value transformation

Sometimes it makes sense to modify the value of an attribute for showing it in the concordance sidebar; for example, zero-width spaces may be added to a long string without spaces at places of preferred line breaks.

The value of an attribute is transformed with the function specified in the attribute property transform. The function takes the attribute value as the argument and it should return the value to be shown in the sidebar. For example:

attrs.msd = {
    label: "msd",
    // ...
    // Add a zero-width space character after each vertical bar to
    // allow breaking the line there in the sidebar.
    transform: function(val) {
        return val.replace(/\|/g, "|\u200b");

Please be aware that this feature may change in the future, but similar functionality will nevertheless be available.

Custom features in the extended search

An attribute may have custom features in the extended search, such as a tailored selection list. This is implemented with the properties extended_template and controller. Please see Språkbanken’s Korp frontend instructions for some more information (although it describes a newer version of Korp with some changes), and modes/default_mode.js and modes/other_languages_mode.js for examples.

Defining often-used attributes and other configuration properties

You can (and should) define reusable definitions for often-used attributes. If a definition is common to corpora in several modes, it should be defined in modes/common.js, otherwise in the configuration file for the mode in which it is used. For parallel corpora whose parts are also used as monolingual corpora, the definitions of common attributes should be in modes/common.js.

Reusable attribute definitions can be defined as follows (the following have already been defined):

attrs.msd = {
    label: "msd",
    opts: settings.defaultOptions

sattrs.sentence_id_hidden = {
    label: "sentence_id",
    displayType: "hidden"

By convention, the attrs namespace contains definitions of positional attributes and sattrs structural attributes. They are used in the configurations as follows:

settings.corpora.sample_corpus = 
    // ...
    attributes: {
        // ...
        msd: attrs.msd,
        // ...
    struct_attributes: {
        // ...
        sentence_id: sattrs.sentence_id_hidden,
        // ...

In addition, complete lists of positional and structural attributes, to be used in multiple corpora, can be defined in attrlist and sattrlist, respectively:

attrlist.corpus_common = {
    lemma: attrs.baseform,
    pos: attrs.pos,
    // ...

sattrlist.corpus_common = {
    text_title: sattrs.title,
    text_author: sattrs.author,
    text_author_birthyear: {
        label: "author_birthyear",
    // ...

settings.corpora.sample_corpus2 = {
    // ...
    attributes: attrlist.corpus_common,
    struct_attributes: sattrlist.corpus_common,

You should use the same labels (translation keys) as in other corpora as far as possible, so that the names appearing in the Korp user interface are the same.

Another way to refer to commonly used attributes and also other corpus settings properties is to use the features property. You can define and use such a corpus feature as follows:

settings.corpus_features.paragraphs = {
    within: settings.spWithin,
    context: settings.spContext,

settings.corpus_features.parsed_tdt = {
    attributes: {
        lemma: attrs.baseform,
        // ...

settings.corpora.sample_corpus = {
    // ...
    features: ["paragraphs", "parsed_tdt"],
    // ...

The properties in settings.corpus_features.paragraphs and settings.corpus_features.parsed_tdt are added to the properties of settings.corpora.sample_corpus. They are added recursively (with $.extend), so that if the corpus settings contains an attributes definition, the attributes defined in settings.corpus_features.parsed_tdt are added to them.

The following commonly-used features have already been defined and should be used whenever appropriate:

The corpus contains paragraphs that can be shown as an extended context in the concordance result.
The corpus has been parsed with the TDT parser and contains the corresponding attributes.
The names in the corpus has been tagged with FiNER and the corpus has the corresponding positional and structural attributes.

Special features of corpus settings

Ignore tokens between CQP token conditions

If a corpus contains non-text tokens, such as comments or prosody information interspersed between tokens, it may make searching easier if they can be ignored in a multi-token search. To do so, add to the corpus configuration the property ignore_between_tokens_cqp, whose value is the CQP expression to be inserted between each two token expressions in the CQP expression formed from an extended search expression in Korp. For example, the following allows any number of tokens with the part of speech punct between other tokens:

    ignore_between_tokens_cqp: '[pos="punct"]*',

However, please note that this takes effect only if all the selected corpora have the same value for the ignore_between_tokens_cqp. Moreover, the setting does not (at least currently) affect the simple nor the advanced search.

Generating subcorpus configurations with JavaScript

If a logical corpus has been divided into several (sub)corpora from Korp’s point of view, the configurations for these (sub)corpora are typically the same except for the id, name and description of the corpus. In such a case it may make sense to generate the configurations of the (sub)corpora programmatically with JavaScript code based on a list containing only the variable parts of the configurations. Advantages of this are that the configuration is usually more compact and that changes need to be made to a single place if the declarations common to all (sub)corpora need to be modified. A drawback is that the code generating corpus configurations is often less transparent than explicit declarations for each (sub)corpus.

The main Korp frontend configuration file modes/common.js contains a couple of functions for generating corpus configurations with common declarations. The functions are in the settings.fn namespace and they are described in the following.


Function settings.fn.add_corpus_settings adds corpus settings based on a template of common properties and a list of corpus-specific properties added to the template. The corpora are added to a given corpus folder with an id with a given fixed prefix and variable suffix part in the corpus-specific property list. It is used for the corpus kotus_ns_presidentti, for example:

settings.templ.kotus_ns_presidentti = {
   title: "",
   description: "",
   id: "",
   within: settings.spWithin,
   context: settings.spContext,
   attributes: {
       lemma: attrs.baseform,
       // ...
       lex: attrs.lemgram_hidden
   struct_attributes: {
       text_title: sattrs.text_title,
       // ...
       sentence_url: sattrs.context_url

       { id: "ahtisaari",
         title: "Presidentti Ahtisaaren uudenvuodenpuheet",
         description: "Kokoelma sisältää presidentti Martti Ahtisaaren pitämät uudenvuodenpuheet (1995–2000). ..." },
       // ...
       { id: "svinhufvud",
         title: "Presidentti Svinhufvudin uudenvuodenpuheet",
         description: "Kokoelma sisältää presidentti P. E. Svinhufvudin pitämät uudenvuodenpuheet (1935–1937)." },

settings.fn.add_corpus_settings takes the following arguments:

  1. a template containing the common properties for the configurations of all the subcorpora;
  2. a list (an array) of objects containing for each subcorpus the variable parts to be combined with the properties of the template; each item in the list must contain the property id that is used as the variable part of the corpus id;
  3. the folder (subtree) of the corpus selector to which the subcorpora are to be added; and
  4. a corpus id prefix to be prepended to the values of the id property in the array elements.


Function settings.fn.extend_corpus_settings is used to add properties to the existing settings of multiple corpora. (The function does not actually generate corpus settings.) It can be used as follows:

// The properties common to the corpora
las2_common_props = {
    urn: "urn:nbn:fi:lb-2015050504",
    // ...
    limited_access: true,
    licence_type: "RES",
    attributes: attrlist.las2,
    struct_attributes: sattrlist.las2,

// The variable parts of the corpus settings
settings.corpora.las2_tentit = {
    title: "LAS2 (tentit)",
    description: "Edistyneiden suomenoppijoiden korpus (tentit)",
    id: "las2_tentit",
settings.corpora.las2_esseet = {
    title: "LAS2 (esseet)",
    description: "Edistyneiden suomenoppijoiden korpus (esseet)",
    id: "las2_esseet",

// Add the common properties to the corpus settings
    las2_common_props, ["las2_tentit", "las2_esseet"]);

delete las2_common_props;

settings.fn.extend_corpus_settings takes the following arguments:

  1. an object containing the properties to be added (recursively) to the corpus settings; and
  2. a list (an array) of ids of the corpora to whose settings the properties are to be added.


Function settings.fn.make_folder_hierarchy creates corpus settings for multiple corpora and creates a corpus folder hierarchy for them under a specified parent folder. It is used as follows for generating the two-level subcorpus hierarchy of the dialect corpus LA-murre (slightly modified for illustration):

// Corpus grouping to folders
var la_murre_grouping = [
    // First-level subfolder: base id and name
    ["LOU", "Lounaismurteet", [
        // Second-level subfolder
        ["VarE", "Eteläinen Varsinais-Suomi", [
            // Corpus: base id and name
            ["karuna", "Karuna"],
            ["kisk", "Kisko"],
            // ...
        ] ],
        ["VarP", "Pohjoinen Varsinais-Suomi", [
            ["eura", "Eura"],
            // ...
        ] ],
    ] ],
    ["LVÄ", "Lounaiset välimurteet", [
        ["SatE", "Etelä-Satakunta", [
            ["koke", "Kokemäki"],
            // ...
        ] ],
        ["SatL", "Länsi-Satakunta", [
            ["ahla", "Ahlainen", {
                // Modify corpus settings with these properties
                context: settings.defaultContext,
                within: settings.scWithin
            // ...
        ] ],
        // ...
    ] ],
    // ...

// A template of common corpus properties
settings.templ.la_murre = {
    within: settings.spcWithin,
    context: settings.spContext,
    attributes: {
        cleanword: {
            label: "cleanword",
            opts: settings.defaultOptions
        // ...
    struct_attributes: {
        text_header: {
            label: "text_header"
        // ...

// Actually create the folder hierarchy
    settings.corporafolders.spoken.la_murre, la_murre_grouping,
        id_prefix: la_murre_corpus_prefix,
        folder_description_prefix: "Lauseopin arkiston murrekorpus: ",
        corpus_title_suffix: " (LA-murre)",
        make_corpus_description: function (data) {
            return "Lauseopin arkiston murrekorpus: " + data[1];
        corpus_template: settings.templ.la_murre,

settings.fn.make_folder_hierarchy takes the following arguments:

  1. Parent folder, under which the subfolders are added.
  2. Subfolder tree: an array of the format: [[ folder1_data, [[ subfolder11_data, [ corpus111_data, corpus112_data ]],
    [ subfolder12_data, [ corpus121_data, corpus122_data ]]],
    [[ folder2_data, [ corpus21_data, corpus22_data, corpus23_data ]]]

    Folder and corpus data may be an object containing the essential properties for the item, or one to four array elements, the last of which may be a composite object and the preceding ones strings. The strings are the (base) values for the properties id, title and description. These values will be modified as specified in options. If one is not specified, the previous one is used. The possible final composite object is used to override other properties in the configuration template specified in options.

  3. Options: an object that may contain the following properties:
    folder_template, corpus_template
    An object to be used as the base configuration properties for folders and corpora, respectively (default: {}).
    A string to be prefixed or suffixed to the id, title or description of folders and/or corpora (default: empty).
    A function to use to make the id, title or description of a folder or corpus. The function takes the arguments info (the folder or corpus data in subfolder_tree), parent_folder (settings.corporafolders subobject) and ancestor_folder_ids (an array of strings containing the ancestor folder ids from the top to the parent), and it should return a string. If defined, the function is used in preference to the prefix and suffix properties above.

Custom functions

Another complex example of using JavaScript to generate corpus configurations is for the KLK corpora (National Library Newspapers and Magazines, corpus ids klk_…), in which the variable part is primarily the year, but also a different value for the property context beginning from a certain year. In addition, JavaScript code is used to generate corpus folders by decade. (However, the custom function could probably be replaced with settings.fn.make_folder_hierarchy and a function creating the folder hierarchy.

Corpus aliases

Corpus aliases are used to map a corpus id to another one or a list of corpus ids. They can be used as shorthands for a list of corpus ids, or to map old corpus ids of renamed corpora to new ones. The shorthands are useful in the location URNs of corpora split to multiple subcorpora in Korp, for example. For renamed corpora, they allow saved URLs referring to old corpus ids to continue to work. Corpus aliases are expanded in the URL, so the URL that the user sees in the end contains the actual corpus ids.

Please note that the corpus alias mechanism works currently for the Korp frontend only. For the backend (Korp API), you currently need to copy a renamed corpus to the new name. An alias mechanism for the backend may be introduced later.

Corpus aliases are defined in the object (namespace) settings.corpus_aliases. The property name is the alias, and the value is string containing a list of comma-separated corpus ids or regular expressions. Note that corpus aliases are not expanded recursively, so the value should not refer to corpus aliases. For example:

// "las2" is expanded to the two corpora las2_tentit and las2_esseet
settings.corpus_aliases.las2 = "las2_tentit,las2_esseet";

// "lehdet_ks" has been renamed as "karjalansuomi", but allow the old id via an alias
settings.corpus_aliases.lehdet_ks = "karjalansuomi";

// "ftc" refers to the list of all the corpora whose id begins with "ftc_"
settings.corpus_aliases.ftc = "ftc_.*";

Note that the expansions of aliases containing regular expressions may change if new corpora are added to Korp. Such aliases may not be used for the Korp URNs of corpora, since the denotation of a corpus URN should be permanent.

Special features of parallel corpus configurations

For parallel corpora, the configuration of the corpus for each language is defined separately as above, but a couple of additional properties are added to the configuration. One of the aligned corpora is a kind of a main corpus that is shown in Korp’s corpus selector. The property contents of a corpus folder lists only this main corpus.

In the configurations of individual corpora, the crucial attributes are lang, linked_to, context and hide. They are described in the comments of the following example:

settings.corpora.parfin_2016_fi = {
    id: "parfin_2016_fi",
    title: "ParFin 2016",
    description: "ParFin 2016 – suomi–venäjä kaunokirjallisten tekstien rinnakkaiskorpus ...",
    // ..
    // The corpus language code (a three-letter ISO language code)
    lang: "fin",
    // Information on the structure on which the corpora have been aligned; the value may be
    // context.linkAligned if the alignment structure is "link", or context.defaultAligned
    // if it is "sentence". If the alignment element is something else, it must be defined in the
    // variable context.
    context: context.linkAligned,
    within: settings.sentLinkWithin,
    // The other parts of the parallel corpus which this corpus has been liked to and aligned with.
    linked_to: ["parfin_2016_ru"],
    attributes: attrlist.parfin_2016_fi,
    struct_attributes: sattrlist.parfin_2016_fi,
    // The main corpus should be shown in the corpus selector, so no property "hide"

settings.corpora.parfin_2016_ru = {
    id: "parfin_2016_ru",
    title: "ParFin 2016",
    description: "ParFin 2016 – suomi–venäjä kaunokirjallisten tekstien rinnakkaiskorpus ...",
    // ..
    lang: "rus",
    context: context.linkAligned,
    within: settings.sentLinkWithin,
    linked_to: ["parfin_2016_fi"],
    attributes: attrlist.parfin_2016_ru,
    struct_attributes: sattrlist.parfin_2016_ru,
    // Setting the property hide to true hides this corpus from the corpus selector, since this is not the main corpus.
    hide: true,

Generating corpus configuration with korp-make-config

Instead of writing the configuration for a corpus (completely) by hand, you can use the script scripts/korp-make-config in the GitHub repository Kielipankki-utilities. It may be helpful when generating a large number of similar configurations if you do not wish to generate them with JavaScript code. However, the script does not (yet) support many of the features available in corpus configurations.

[TODO: Describe the usage of korp-make-config.]

Adding attribute name and value translations to translations files

The texts shown for corpus attributes and their values are defined in the JSON translation files corpora-lg.json, where lg is the language code fi, sv or en.

Many corpora have translations currently on for Finnish, that is, in the file translations/corpora-fi.json. However, Swedish-language corpora should have translations at least in Swedish and corpora in other languages than Finnish or Swedish at least in English.

Translations in the JSON files are of the form

    "translation_key": "translation",

where translation_key may be an attribute label (the value of the property label in the configuration of a corpus attribute), or the value of an enumerated attribute in the form prefixvalue, where prefix is the value of the translationKey property of an attribute. For example:

    "pos": "part-of-speech",

    "pos_A": "adjective",
    "pos_Abbr": "abbreviation",
    "pos_Adp": "adposition",

The following lists current best practices for translation keys and translations. However, for historical reasons, the translation files contain a large number of examples violating these practices.

  • Translation keys should be in English, correspond to the meaning of the attribute or attribute value, be human readable but reasonably short.
  • A translation should in general begin with a lower-case letter, unless it begins with a proper name.
  • Avoid structure and corpus names in the translation keys, unless they are part of the translation. For example, the translation key for the structural attribute text_author should be author and not text_author, unless the translation should be “author of the text”.
  • For the values of enumerated attributes, avoid annotation-specific translation keys, such as pos_klk_A. Instead, you could have pos_Adj and the dataset property of the attribute with the mapping "A": "Adj".

If you add translations to the end of a translation file, please make sure that every translation key–value pair except the last one in the file ends in a comma. A comma missing from the end of a non-final translation line or a comma at the end of a translation file causes Korp not to work, with little or no indication of the place of error.

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tel. +358 9 4572001

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fin-clarin (at) helsinki.fi
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