
Semfinlex Kielipankki version

The Semfinlex corpora published in the Language Bank of Finland is based on the open data resources made available in the Semantic Finlex project. The project is hosted by the Semantic Computing Research Group (SeCo) at the Aalto University. More information and links to scientific publications can be found on the website of the project.

NB! 2019-09-13 Discrepancies in dependency parses of the Finnish data: The dependency parses and relations differ significantly from the parses in other corpora parsed earlier with the same parser. We are investigating the issue.

Latest versions:  
Finnish Parliament original statutes from 1734-2018 in Finnish, version 1.1, Korp version
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Finnish Parliament original statutes from 1920-2018 in Swedish, Korp version; Ursprungliga författningar av Riksdagen på svenska från 1920-2018, Korp-versionen
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Finnish Parliament original statutes from 1920-2018, Korp version (Finnish-Swedish parallel corpus)
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Finnish Parliament original statutes from 1734-2018, downloadable version
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Finnish Supreme and Supreme Administrative Court decisions from 1980-2018 in Finnish, Korp version
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Finnish Supreme and Supreme Administrative Court decisions from 1980-2018 in Finnish, downloadable version
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Finnish Supreme and Supreme Administrative Court decisions from 1980-2018 in Swedish, Korp version; Avgöranden av Högsta domstolen och Högsta förvaltningsdomstolen på svenska 1980-2018, Korp-versionen
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Finnish Supreme and Supreme Administrative Court decisions from 1980-2018 in Swedish, downloadable version
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Search for these versions in META-SHARE  

The resource has been annotated and the parallel corpus aligned by Erik Axelson in the FIN-CLARIN initiative for the Language Bank of Finland and it is publicly available and no registration or log in is required for access.

The concordancing tool Korp offers various options for searches and for compiling statistics. In the extended search, the user can restrict the search based on the type of the statute or a choose particular a time interval for the search. See the Korp User Guide for more information.

More detailed information about the corpora is available in the metadata articles.

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