This multimodal corpus, which consists of the tourist brochures produced by the city of Helsinki, Finland, is fully annotated using XML schema provided for the Genre and Multimodality (GeM) model. The GeM model is used to describe the content, layout, graphic and typographic appearance, and rhetorical structure of 58 double-pages published between 1967 and 2008.
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A Multimodal Corpus of Tourist Brochures Produced by the City of Helsinki, Finland (1967-2008) Metadata and license Attribution instructions | Download the resource |
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Of this language corpus different versions/subcorpora are (or might be in the future) published in the Language Bank of Finland. The versions are available through the Language Bank Download Service and/or through the Korp concordance tool. The links to the different versions can be found from the list above.
Detailed information on the content of each version, user rights and licenses can be found from it’s specific metadata record in META-SHARE.
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