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Corpus contents

Fenno-Ugrica is the digital collection of Finno-Ugric publications at the National Library of Finland. Various versions of Fenno-Ugrica are also available via Kielipankki – the Language Bank of Finland, as described on this page.

The Fenno-Ugrica collection includes monograph publications in Ingrian, Veps, Mari (Hill Mari and Meadow Mari) and Mordvinic (Erzya and Moksha) languages and newspapers in Mari and Mordvinic languages from the 1920s and the 1930s. All in all, the collection consists of more than 120 monographs and nearly 20 000 pages of newspapers.

The material of Fenno-Ugrica was produced by the National Library of Finland in the Digitisation Project of Kindred Languages as part of Language Programme of Kone Foundation.

More information: http://fennougrica.kansalliskirjasto.fi/

The languages in the corpus and their three-letter ISO 639-3 codes are the following:

  • Eastern Mari: mhr
  • Erzya: myv
  • Ingrian: izh
  • Khanty: kca
  • Mansi: mns
  • Moksha: mdf
  • Nenets: yrk
  • Selkup: sel
  • Veps: vep
  • Western Mari: mrj

Last updated: 31.5.2023

This page has a persistent identifier: http://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi:lb-2021050706

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