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DigiTala: L2 Finnish data from upper secondary schools and university, autumn 2021 Metadata and license Attribution instructions |
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DigiTala: L2 Finnish data from upper secondary schools, spring 2021 Metadata and license Attribution instructions |
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DigiTala: L2 Swedish data from adult language learners, spring 2023 Metadata and license Attribution instructions |
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DigiTala’s YKI data Metadata and license Attribution instructions |
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This resource includes speech samples from L2 Finnish speakers and L2 Finland Swedish speakers, transcripts, human ratings, the learners’ responses to post-test surveys and the raters’ responses to post-rating surveys. The data was collected by the DigiTala research project (2019–2023) from adult learners of Finnish or Swedish as a second language.
The main goal for DigiTala (2019–2023) research project is to develop a digital tool that uses automatic speech recognition and automatic scoring to assess L2 Finnish and Swedish learners’ oral skills. The tool also provides automated feedback on learners’ speaking performances. The purpose of the digital tool developed in the project is to make assessment of oral language skills possible in high-stakes language tests. Furthermore, students can practice their pronunciation and speech production in foreign languages independently outside the school or without the teacher’s guidance at language classes.
During the project, material was collected from upper secondary school students and university students learning Finnish or Swedish as a second language. In addition, the project made use of the speech material from Finnish and Swedish general language tests (Yleiset kielitutkinnot, YKI).
The project is funded by the Academy of Finland 2019–2023, and combines expertise in speech and language processing, language education and phonetics at the University of Helsinki (grant number 322619), Aalto University (grant number 322625) and the University of Jyväskylä (grant number 322965). The current project builds on lessons learned during a pilot project, see DigiTala (2015–2017).
Further details about the content and the terms and conditions regarding the different corpus versions are available in the corresponding metadata records.
Website of the DigiTala research project (2019–2023)
DigiTala project resources: Tasks, surveys and rating criteria
Last updated: 07.03.2024
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