Digisvenska Corpus – A learner language corpus based on the matriculation exam of Swedish, B syllabus (digisvenska)

Current versions of this resource:
Digisvenska Corpus – A learner language corpus based on the matriculation exam of Swedish, B syllabus
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The corpus will soon be available via Korp for internal use in the Digisvenska project.

Currently, access can only be granted to members of the Digisvenska project team. At a later stage, the resource will also be available for other researchers on permission from the Matriculation Examination Board.

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Corpus contents

This corpus contains all the matriculation exams from the B-exam of Swedish as the other domestic language from 2018–2021. The original exam prompts can be found at Abitreenit on Yle’s website and there are also links to them from within the corpus in Korp.

The B-exam corresponds to the Swedish course taken by students in Finnish(-language) upper secondaries who do not study Swedish as their first language subject. The exam corresponds to the National Curriculum for Upper-Secondary schools in Finland, 2015.

It is not compulsory to take a matriculation exam in the other domestic language, and if you do you have two options: (1) the long exam, often called A-Swedish, A-Finnish respectively, (2) the middle-long exam, often called B-Swedish, B-Finnish, respectively. Students who take the B-exam in Swedish are likely to have studied Swedish from their study year 6 or 7. Which year they started depends on when they started lower secondary school (Sw. högstadiet) and which National Curriculum for the compulsory schools was used at the time.

Further details are available in the corresponding metadata records.

Last updated: 20.6.2023

This page has a persistent identifier: http://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi:lb-2023051705

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