The server you have tried to access is no longer in use. Up-to-date information from KitWiki has been migrated here. Please use the search function (in the right sidebar of this page).
The complete content of KitWiki has been archived. Please contact us if you would like to gain access to some part of it. Some wikis have moved to new locations, please consider the list below.
This wiki was used in the CLARIN ERIC predecessor project. Please contact us if you need the archived data.
BAULT is a multidisciplinary research community (RC) at the University of Helsinki. BAULT participated in the evaluation of research in 2005–2010 at the University of Helsinki and it was among those RCs which got special funding for years 2013–2016 as a result of this evaluation. Please contact us if you need the archived data.
The former homepage of the Language Technology Documentation Centre in Finland, it was part of the Nordic Language Technology Documentation Project funded by NordForsk. Please contact us if you need the archived data.
You should find up-to-date information by browsing this site. Please contact us if you need the archived data.
This was the main wiki of the former Department of Language Technology at the University of Helsinki. Some projects have new locations:
Please contact us if you need the archived data.
This was the developers’ wiki of the MOLTO project. Please contact us if you need the archived data.
This was a collaboration wiki for the Northern European Association for Language Technology. The content of the wiki is still available:
The NooJ wiki. Please contact us if you need the archived data. For more information about Nooj, see
A multilingual terminology effort. Please contact us if you need the archived data.