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Digital Research Data and Human Sciences (DRDHum) 2024

Itä-Suomen yliopisto, Joensuun kampus Joensuu, Suomi

The Digital Research Data and Human Sciences (DRDHum) conference aims to bring together researchers who have different areas of interest and expertise to discuss the themes of data compilation and management, and to share their knowledge and experience of using digital materials, methods, and data analysis tools.

CLARIN Annual Conference 2024

Barcelona, Spain , Espanja

The CLARIN Conference 2024 will be a hybrid event. Virtual attendance is open to the wider public. The conference will take place in Barcelona, Spain. The event is organised and hosted by CLARIN ERIC, in collaboration with CLARIAH-ES.

Korpuslingvistiikan verkkokurssi – Online course on Corpus Linguistics

Online event - Etätapahtuma

Verkkokurssi Korpuslingvistiikka ja tilastolliset menetelmät on suunnattu kieliaineiden ja muiden aineiden opiskelijoille, jotka haluavat oppia korpusten käytön perusteet. Tälle kurssille ovat tilan salliessa tervetulleita myös muiden kuin Helsingin yliopiston opiskelijat. […]

Workshop: Large Language Models and Speech-Centric AI

Clarion Hotel Helsinki Tyynenmerenkatu 2, Helsinki, Suomi

Our workshop on Large Language Models and Speech-Centric AI will showcase various use cases and applications both in the public and private sector. Our objective is to introduce the current […]

FIN-CLARIAH Meeting 22.11.2024

Turun yliopisto, Turun kauppakorkeakoulu Rehtoripellonkatu 3, Turku, Finland

FIN-CLARIAH Meeting 22.11.2024

Search the Language Bank Portal:
Aku Rouhe
Researcher of the Month: Aku Rouhe


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