Join the online course Introduction to Speech Analysis!

The open online course Introduction to Speech Analysis (5 ECTS) has just started. The course is now offered for the first time in both Finnish and in English. Within the group size limits, you can join in from any university until 6th November 2020. See the course home page for instructions on how to enrol the course area on Moodle.

During the course, you learn to transcribe and to annotate speech and to understand some of the most important acoustic displays and measurement methods that can be used in speech research. The main tool of the course is the Praat analysis program, but we will also take a look at ELAN. The course can be relevant for students in phonetics, linguistics and languages, but also in other fields where audio recordings of speech are used for research.

All the courses offered by FIN-CLARIN can be found on the Training page.