This subcorpus is part of the Corpus of Finnish Sign Language: conversations, Download version Persistent Identifier of this resource: Access location: This subcorpus is part of the Corpus of Finnish Sign Language collected in the CFINSL project. The subcorpus comprises conversations from 18 Finnish Sign Language signers who belong to different age groups and live in different parts of Finland. The material covers four fixed tasks performed by the signers: introductions, discussing work/hobbies, discussing a topic related to the deaf world, and free discussion (e.g. on travel, sports). The material consists of video files and the annotations of the videos in ELAN format as well as the metadata about the signers and the content and format ofthe videos. All of the video data (six camera angles) has been annotated for signs and translations. The corpus is available for download in Kielipankki, The Language Bank of Finland. Support: